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How to Achieve Orgasms for Men

Although women often don't achieve an orgasm during sex, it is normally expected that a man will.
Of course, more often than not a man will experience an orgasm.
This is partly biological in nature as the ejaculation of sperm into a woman provides a necessary function for the survival of the species.
Nevertheless, men having problems achieving an orgasm, at least some of the time, is more common than you might think.
If men have problems achieving an orgasm on a regular basis, it can put a great stress on a relationship.
Both partners can feel sexually inadequate, thus reducing the sexual enjoyment enormously.
The reasons for failing to achieve an orgasm can be quite complex and may require the assistance of a professional.
However, before going to that stage (which may prove to be unnecessary), if you are struggling to achieve orgasms consider the following factors.
They are all known to be potentially significant.
  1. Your general health.
    If you are overweight or lacking energy, your body can already be under stress physically.
    This can reduce your ability to maintain a firm erection or to have the energy required to achieve an orgasm.
    Exercise and maintaining your ideal weight should be goals if you want to achieve orgasms regularly.
  2. Your diet.
    Foods that drain your energy levels can also greatly affect your sexual performance.
    Meat and dairy products, sugar and alcohol are all things the body finds difficult to digest and which therefore require extra energy.
    Cut down on these and your energy for sex (an orgasms) will increase.
    Favour instead fresh fruit and vegetables.
  3. Your mental health.
    Do you have a lot of stress or mental worries? Perhaps you are having issues with your career, family life, or even your relationship itself.
    This can have a noticeable effect on your ability to orgasm.
  4. The frequency with which you have sex.
    The more sex you have, the more likelihood you have of not achieving an orgasm, at least sometimes.
    Men require a 'recovery' time between orgasms, which may vary between a few minutes and a few days.
    If you have lots of sex, be happy! You don't need to come every time.
  5. Your age.
    As we get older our bodies slow down, and the same is true for our sexual functioning.
If you are having difficulty achieving orgasms, these factors may help you understand and deal with this.
Remember, though, that with a loving partner you can have a great deal of sexual fun and satisfaction without needing to achieve an orgasm every time.

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