Health & Medical Body building

How to Gain Muscle Quick? 5 Key Mistakes to Avoid

Want to know how to gain muscle quick? This doesn't have to be the long and tedious process many make it out to be.
Getting results is easy...
When you use the right techniques.
You can get extremely ripped in a short period of time when you workout the correct way.
The problem is that most people use the wrong methods.
Whether you want to know how to get ways to get 6 pack abs for men...
jump higher...
how to run a faster 40...
or just increase your muscle size...
here are 5 critical mistakes you need to avoid...
Mistake #1) Doing more reps is NOT better The opposite is actually true...
you should keep your sets short and intense.
The key is to lift heavy weights a short amount of time..
not a small amount of weight a long period of time.
The latter will help with your endurance but not muscle size.
Mistake #2) Longer is NOT better This is a common myth in the workout world...
and the opposite is actually true.
Longer workouts are less effective because you tend to tire and lose your focus a short time in.
When you continue working out in a tired state you are simply improving your endurance and not your strength.
When you notice yourself wearing out then either call it a day or rest before continuing...
and this is how to gain muscle quick.
Mistake #3) Working out TOO MUCH Along with keeping your workouts short, you should also work out less often.
This way you give your muscles the time they need to build up, which necessary for more growth.
When you do too many workouts you wear yourself out and don't give yourself the chance to recover and build back up.
Mistake #4) Doing too many sets Not to beat a dead horse, but again this simply reduces your energy...
and therefore effectiveness.
Doing fewer sets will enable you to go all out for each workout--which is critical for getting a ripped body/ Mistake #5) Increasing weight too quickly Make sure to gradually lift more weight as time goes on.
A good rule of thumb is to try and pick a weight you can do 5 sets of 5 reps with.
Once you can do that then increase the weight by 10 pounds.
This is how to gain muscle quick and also one of the best ways to get 6 pack abs.
If you want to know how to get ripped in 3 months or less, you will need to implement these tips immediately.

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