Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

How to Cite a User Manual in a Paper

    • 1). List the author of the manual if known. For one author, list the name "Last Name, First Name." For a manual with a list of editors, add ", ed." after the name. For more than one author, list them in the order they appear. All names after the first name should be listed "First Name Last Name." The names should be separated by commas with "and" before the last name listed. If there is no person given as author, the corporation which makes the product would be listed as author.

    • 2). List the title of the manual. The title will be the first thing listed if there is no author known. The title should be underlined on the works cited page. Follow the title with a period.

    • 3). List the publisher if known. The format is "City: Company, Year Published." Any of these which are not known would be skipped.

    • 4). Cite the work in the text by author's last name then page number. The author could be a corporation. If there is no author the shortened title of the manual is used.

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