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Types of Gas Fire Suppression Systems


    • The four main types of gaseous fire suppression systems include carbon dioxide, inert gas, clean agent gas and halon-based extinguishing systems. They work well in home, industrial and commercial settings.


    • Carbon dioxide and inert gas systems work by releasing gases which displace the oxygen levels that feed flames and by neutralizing heat in the combustion zone. Halon systems function by restricting the chemical chain reaction of both oxygen and fuel. Clean agents use traditional inert gas, but release it by way of patented rupture discs that spread the gas quickly and efficiently.


    • Aside from extinguishing fire quickly, most gas suppresion systems offer additional benefits such as low environmental impact, little or no damage-causing residual traces and low risk of danger to living creatures.


    • Despite the largely safe nature of gas fire suppression systems, caution is required when dealing with halon-based extinguishers, which may pose serious respiratory and central nervous system risks to people and animals if not handled properly.

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