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Five answers that every one search regarding spine injury

Spine injuries are counted amongst one of the most serious type of injuries that can even lead to death. If you have someone known who has been suffering from spinal disorders, an urgent medical attention is needed for the sufferer. Spinal cord injuries are both permanent and temporary, depending upon injuries impact on the victim. Some of the talked about and frequently asked questions regarding spinal cord injury are nut shelled below:-   

1.    What is a spinal cord injury and how does it affect our health and wellness?  

Spinal cord injuries are wear and tear or tampering borne by spine that further affects the overall functioning of the sensory mechanism of human body. According to medical records survey seventy percent of the injuries are caused due to accidents while twenty two percent are caused due to high falls and the remaining eight percent are sports injuries. In all the cases the main reason for the injury is instant and hard impact on the spinal region.      

2.    What are the possible after effects of injury that occurs in spinal region?

After effects of injury on spinal region majorly depends on the graveness on injury. Spine injuries can be partial or full. A full spine injury is the one after which human body stops responding to brains signal calls. While a partial one is in which the body parts of affected areas respond partially to brain signals.   

3.    What will be the after effect scenario?

The after effect scenario or prognosis majorly depend upon the graveness of injury and areas damaged. Most people who have received spine injury up to intermediate leave can make a recovery within six months. If they are unable to recover fully they will start showing the signs of recovery. Physiotherapy treatment can rapid up recovery process.

4.    Available treatments?

Human body has an inbuilt repair mechanism, but in the case of nervous system the repair mechanism has some limitations. In such a situation there are limited spinal care cures available. As such, there is no for sure cure for spinal injuries. Steam cell transplantation has emerged as a ray of hope but it too has certain limitations.

5.    Will the victim's life be confined to wheel chair?

The answer to this question is a tough one but in simple and straight words it entirely depends upon the graveness of injury. Victims who have received injury on top most node of spine will never every be able to stand up on their limbs, except in case of miracle, they further are subjected to use of electronic chairs only. Victims who have received injuries below spinal area can use manual wheel chairs. Rehabilitation and physiotherapy programs can reduce dependency and can bring drastic improvement in victim's condition.
In a nutshell spine is the most sensitive area and it is our priority to protect it. A full cure for cervical spine injury is still not available and in case of injury the victim can be paralyzed or can even die.

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