Organizing Your Baby"s Diaper Bag and Changing Table
Strap on your Mommy Tool Belt and get ready to organize your diaper bag and changing table! Here are your Diaper Bag essentials.
First, you will need a large bag with many compartments.
Have a good supply of diapers! Ideally, you should have one diaper for each hour you'll be out and having a few extra never hurts! I use Seventh Generation diapers; they don't use fragrances, latex, petroleum-based lotions or chlorine processing so your baby's bum stays naturally happy.
This brand of diapers is around the same price as other diaper brands and your baby will have fewer diaper rashes which means you won't need to buy as many other products, like talcum free powder and diaper rash cream.
Pack those baby wipes! You'll need baby wipes for diaper changes, drool, your hands, and other baby messes.
Again, I recommend Seventh Generation wipes because they're affordable and one of the most natural baby wipe brands on the market.
You don't want to expose baby's skin to harsh chemicals.
Always have a plastic bag to put used diapers in.
Load up two to three burp cloths that you can use as a light blanket or nursing cover, to clean up spit up, or to lay on the changing pad.
Pack a bulb syringe to clean out the baby boogies.
To wash your bulb syringe just suck warm water into it and squirt it out; repeat this process a few times.
Have one to two bottles to feed your baby if you're going to be in the car for a long period of time or you're going to be somewhere where it will be inconvenient to breastfeed.
Pack two pacifiers or a 'comfort object' of choice for your baby.
My little guy only uses pacifiers in the car.
Have baby nail clippers available to clip those small but wickedly sharp nails when baby is passed out in the car.
Pack one colorful book or toy to use as a distraction for your little one.
Have one to two onsies in case the baby spits up or has a diaper leak.
Pack a sweater, pair of pants, and socks for your little one in case you're anywhere chilly.
Always have a sun hat and shirt in case the baby is in the sun.
Hold off on sunscreen until baby is around six months.
When you do purchase baby sunscreen make sure it's 'physical sunscreen' (like zinc oxide) that protects against UVB and UVA rays.
Physical sunscreen doesn't soak into the skin; it's just a physical layer between your baby's precious skin and sunrays.
Don't forget about mommy's checklist! Make sure you have an extra neutral colored shirt (spit up colored shirt) to change into when your bundle of joy inevitably spits up on you.
Don't forget your breast pads for those leaking boobies! Pack a bottle of water and snacks like mixed nuts, a protein bar, etc.
You need to stay well hydrated and fed when you're a breastfeeding mama! Make sure to grab your sunglasses, wallet, and keys.
These may seem like 'duh' items but when you're going off of two hours of sleep you should probably add 'put on pants' to your checklist! Add the stroller or baby carrier as optional items on your list depending on where you're going.
Make a laminated checklist of everything that needs to be in the diaper bag, leave it in the diaper bag, and check it frequently.
Look over your checklist before you leave the house to make sure you have everything.
You should also look over your list right when you get home, remove soiled clothes and cloths and replace any needed items to make sure your bag is already fully stocked next time you need to go out.
Now breathe because you have everything you need! Don't forget the baby! Here are your Changing Table essentials.
Don't forget the major 'duh' item, diapers! Always keep ten to fifteen diapers at the changing table and have your restock supply close by.
Have a surplus of baby wipes.
Place a baby wipe warmer on the changing table to keep that little tush warm and the baby from screaming like a banshee.
Keep Q-tips and Jojoba oil, or Lanolin, handy to clean the folds in baby's skin.
Babies create their own brand of cheese when milk sits in their skin folds for too long.
You'll need a bulb syringe to suck out the boogies.
Have clothes for baby close by so you can change their clothes (if needed) after a diaper change.
Keep washable changing pad covers nearby, preferably something that feels nice on the baby's skin.
We use organic cotton burp cloths.
Have washcloths for quick clean ups.
If you have a boy you must have pee pee tee pees to save yourself and your little man from renegade pee pee attacks! Place a mobile above the changing table to distract your baby.
There are great mobiles for babies that have black and white images, cute baby faces, and bright colors and shapes that distract baby and help their brain development.
New mothers should have Lanolin everywhere so their boobies can get constant TLC! Seems like a lot of stuff right?! It's not too bad if you stay organized by using your checklist, keeping your diaper bag and changing table stocked, and just saying NO to the unnecessary clutter that tries to creep it's way into your life.
Now go and enjoy your beautiful baby!
First, you will need a large bag with many compartments.
Have a good supply of diapers! Ideally, you should have one diaper for each hour you'll be out and having a few extra never hurts! I use Seventh Generation diapers; they don't use fragrances, latex, petroleum-based lotions or chlorine processing so your baby's bum stays naturally happy.
This brand of diapers is around the same price as other diaper brands and your baby will have fewer diaper rashes which means you won't need to buy as many other products, like talcum free powder and diaper rash cream.
Pack those baby wipes! You'll need baby wipes for diaper changes, drool, your hands, and other baby messes.
Again, I recommend Seventh Generation wipes because they're affordable and one of the most natural baby wipe brands on the market.
You don't want to expose baby's skin to harsh chemicals.
Always have a plastic bag to put used diapers in.
Load up two to three burp cloths that you can use as a light blanket or nursing cover, to clean up spit up, or to lay on the changing pad.
Pack a bulb syringe to clean out the baby boogies.
To wash your bulb syringe just suck warm water into it and squirt it out; repeat this process a few times.
Have one to two bottles to feed your baby if you're going to be in the car for a long period of time or you're going to be somewhere where it will be inconvenient to breastfeed.
Pack two pacifiers or a 'comfort object' of choice for your baby.
My little guy only uses pacifiers in the car.
Have baby nail clippers available to clip those small but wickedly sharp nails when baby is passed out in the car.
Pack one colorful book or toy to use as a distraction for your little one.
Have one to two onsies in case the baby spits up or has a diaper leak.
Pack a sweater, pair of pants, and socks for your little one in case you're anywhere chilly.
Always have a sun hat and shirt in case the baby is in the sun.
Hold off on sunscreen until baby is around six months.
When you do purchase baby sunscreen make sure it's 'physical sunscreen' (like zinc oxide) that protects against UVB and UVA rays.
Physical sunscreen doesn't soak into the skin; it's just a physical layer between your baby's precious skin and sunrays.
Don't forget about mommy's checklist! Make sure you have an extra neutral colored shirt (spit up colored shirt) to change into when your bundle of joy inevitably spits up on you.
Don't forget your breast pads for those leaking boobies! Pack a bottle of water and snacks like mixed nuts, a protein bar, etc.
You need to stay well hydrated and fed when you're a breastfeeding mama! Make sure to grab your sunglasses, wallet, and keys.
These may seem like 'duh' items but when you're going off of two hours of sleep you should probably add 'put on pants' to your checklist! Add the stroller or baby carrier as optional items on your list depending on where you're going.
Make a laminated checklist of everything that needs to be in the diaper bag, leave it in the diaper bag, and check it frequently.
Look over your checklist before you leave the house to make sure you have everything.
You should also look over your list right when you get home, remove soiled clothes and cloths and replace any needed items to make sure your bag is already fully stocked next time you need to go out.
Now breathe because you have everything you need! Don't forget the baby! Here are your Changing Table essentials.
Don't forget the major 'duh' item, diapers! Always keep ten to fifteen diapers at the changing table and have your restock supply close by.
Have a surplus of baby wipes.
Place a baby wipe warmer on the changing table to keep that little tush warm and the baby from screaming like a banshee.
Keep Q-tips and Jojoba oil, or Lanolin, handy to clean the folds in baby's skin.
Babies create their own brand of cheese when milk sits in their skin folds for too long.
You'll need a bulb syringe to suck out the boogies.
Have clothes for baby close by so you can change their clothes (if needed) after a diaper change.
Keep washable changing pad covers nearby, preferably something that feels nice on the baby's skin.
We use organic cotton burp cloths.
Have washcloths for quick clean ups.
If you have a boy you must have pee pee tee pees to save yourself and your little man from renegade pee pee attacks! Place a mobile above the changing table to distract your baby.
There are great mobiles for babies that have black and white images, cute baby faces, and bright colors and shapes that distract baby and help their brain development.
New mothers should have Lanolin everywhere so their boobies can get constant TLC! Seems like a lot of stuff right?! It's not too bad if you stay organized by using your checklist, keeping your diaper bag and changing table stocked, and just saying NO to the unnecessary clutter that tries to creep it's way into your life.
Now go and enjoy your beautiful baby!