Health & Medical Acne

What Triggers Acne in Women and What You Can Do to Help Prevent It

Most of the medicines which are available in the market to cure acne are just temporary solutions to the acne.
These medicines do not work affectively on the main cause of acne from where this issue gets generated.
This is the reason why most of the people do not believe on these medicines because when they stop taking pills the acne comes back they again have to face the trouble.
What people need from these medicines is the permanent relief.
For this the medicines manufacturer has to do a research so that they can find one permanent solution to resolve this issue.
To find the permanent solution one must know that what the real cause of the acne is.
Usually it is believed that acne occurs when a human body carries much more toxics which the kidney and bowels can together remove.
Kidneys and bowels are the only two body organs which help in removing the waste from the body which is also named as toxic.
When the amount of toxic exceeds and gets out of the reach of kidneys as well as of the bowels then he acne arises.
These toxics could be anything but in the most cases it is the accumulation of the stored fat chemicals which even liver can not wash out.
This is one of the most common reasons but there could be many more like issue regarding the fat digestion, food allergy etc.
Apart from these, food allergy and the accumulation of body produced hormones could be the other reasons.
All of these factors may look different but they have a same impact on a human body and that is the acne.
This is necessary to stop the production or control the production increase of these toxics because even if once they get overloaded then they may not let the kidneys and the bowels do their work properly.
When this situation arises that is if the kidneys and the bowels are not able to tackle with the toxics then the entire pressure goes to the liver and then it is very hard for the liver also to resist in such conditions.
The main and the primary function, which liver is known for, that is to metabolize and convert the extra fat in to the energy which can be used by the body when needed.
This work can only be performed by the liver but in such cases even the liver gets overloaded because at this stage the liver has to perform his function as well as the work which usually kidneys do.
Usually an overloaded liver can not work up to its fullest because the liver too has limitations.
This condition can arise in any human body that the kidneys, liver and the bowels are not working perfectly and also there are chances that the person affected by it is not aware at all.
At this stage the entire workload gets transferred to the lungs as well as to the skin and only because of this the skin gets breakout and acne occurs.
To Your Health!

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