Health & Medical Nutrition

Disturbing Trends

I have noticed a disturbing trend for me.
It seems reports are showing natural and safe foods and lifestyles are being demonized in the face of new, untested and potentially dangerous medical treatments.
For example, not too long ago several news reports reported grapefruit interferes with certain medications.
While it is true there are certain components within grapefruit that block the behaviors of certain medications, the real news story is why are these people on medications that become dangerous in the presence of natural foods? Grapefruits have been around and eat and for millennia.
These new medications have barely been on the market 15 to 20 years.
Generations have eaten grapefruit without any ill side effects.
It is only this generation that are taking dangerous medications have any problems.
And it isn't just grapefruit.
There are many news reports coming out of Europe and Asia showing new and dangerous pesticides are linked to cancer, increased illness, disease and all sorts of problems.
Yet, few news stories in the US highlight these dangers.
In fact, most news reports demonize those of us that reports about the dangers and encourage people to eat naturally and healthy.
So why is this trend happening? Much of it comes down to money.
Healthy and safe foods aren't vegetables, fruits and quality meats.
While there are thousands of farmers in the United States at roadies, few are organized into a national Association and fewer yet wish to be involved in politics.
Most are organic or choose not to use dangerous chemicals and pesticide.
The manufacturers of pesticides and genetically modified organisms rely on the profits made from dangerous chemicals and exclusive patents to fund commercials, ads in the public relation campaigns that hide the dangers of their products.
Many are trying to convince the world that agriculture will and if we do not use genetically modified organisms or heavy use of pesticides.
They ignore the fact that agriculture has been around for 10,000 years and has survived well and fed population for that entire time without the use of dangerous chemicals.
But there is a counter trend emerging.
People who use sound, scientific-based information for getting the word out to concerned individuals about the dangers of these new trends.
Wise individuals are choosing organic and locally grown fruits and vegetables and quality meats over the genetically modified and chemical laden alternatives.
Most are finding locally grown and organic fruits and vegetables are actually lower costs than the genetically modified and factory raised alternatives.
The people that turned to organic and locally grown fruits and vegetables are finding their health improved, disease is eradicated in their overall lives improved.
They're finding their foods taste better in the grocery bills decreased.
Parents are finding their children behave better and do better in school.
The older population is finding out their medications can be reduced and eliminated when choosing healthy foods.
And everybody is finding out the environments can be improved and enjoying when supporting local farmers and organic produce.

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