Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Find Your Match – How to Avoid a Bad Relationship

While none of us enjoy those pesky signs that usual lead to a sour relationship, we should take note of them, and understand them so that preventing an unhealthy relationship is easier.  The most obvious signals that a relationship is beginning to become unhealthy include deterioration in: forgiveness, romance and romantic behaviour, commitment, levels of enthusiasm, and sexual contact.

One time, I found myself in a relationship that I thought would last forever. In short I thought that I had found the one, true love. However, I later learned that was not the case, and I was simply blinded by my love, and not able to see the reality of the relationship. One of my good friends is a counsellor, and I spoke to her about my troubles. She told me that if I had come to her sooner, she would have pointed out the oh so many red flags in the relationship that were pointing to it going bad. She said that had I realised the issues in time I might still be with the guy of my dreams.

The first thing that my friend told me was that because I was so blinded by my own love for my ex-boyfriend, that I could not even see that I was in an unhealthy, and at times abusive relationship. She told me that he had been using me for a very long time and that I was letting myself get hurt in the process, and all in the name of love. Unfortunately, this is not a rare occurrence for all women out there with relationships. My ex was a very abusive and mean guy, and I am glad in the end that it did not work out so well, as the outcome could have been much worse if it had not ended when it did.

In line with all of the abuse related issues is the very important issue of commitment. If your partner has a lack of commitment, it could be really bad news for you in the long run. Relationships, especially those that you intend to keep for a long time require a large investment from both parties, and if one of you is not willing to invest as much as the other, then it is a major problem, and a definite sign that things might go awry. I suggest you discuss this issue with your partner, and let them know where you stand.

One of the biggest signs of a relationship about to go bad is the inability of your partner, or yourself to forgive one another. True love truly has no conditions, but no one on this earth is prefect, so if you are trying to find your match who that has no flaws, you should stop looking altogether. When you do try to find your match, you should learn to forgive and forget. All healthy relationships have their own issues, and everyone makes mistakes.

The last obvious sign of a rotten relationship is one where your match or you feel burnt out, worn out, and generally low on energy. When this happens, it can either mean that your match and you need a break, or that you should break up. Either way, I is a definite sign of loss interest, and one that needs to be worked on when the symptoms first occur, as to limit the damage, and be actually able to remedy the situation.

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