Health & Medical Acne

What to Eat for Clear Skin - See the Top Foods to Clear the Acne!

If you wonder what to eat for clear skin, then I am ready to congratulate you.
The reason for this is that I applaud that you already understood that all the creams, pills and lotions can't remove the acne.
The only one permanent way to do it is to eat the right food and by that to deliver your body the needed vitamins and minerals.
You can start with cutting the junk food.
People that are eating junk food are becoming fat, have pasty complexion and in some cases bad hair.
If it's hard for you, just try to cut it little by little...
Fluids - they are essential to our skin diet, because they help to moisturize the skin.
You should drink at least 7-8 glasses of water a day if you want to keep your skin in good condition.
it's important to drink it in a natural way - not just to drink 8 glasses in the morning and that's all...
Don't replace water with anything else...
also it will be helpful if you reduce your coffee and tea intake at 2 times a day.
Essential Fatty Acids - they can be obtained only from food, because our body can't produce them.
They are very important to the skin.
You can supply your body with them when you eat foods such as sardines, tuna fish, nuts, salmon, prawns, soya beans.
Iron - it's used for formation of the hemoglobin.
If the iron in the body is less than the necessary, our body is struggling and that immediate affects on our skin, too.
You can supply your body with iron from some animal foods and some specific vegetables - red meat, sea food, liver, eggs, spinach.
Antioxidants - they prevent our organism from infections and some degenerative deceases like cancer and heart decease.
These nutrients are found in some vitamins like vitamin E, vitamin C and A...
also in some minerals.
The antioxidants play a serious role in destroying some free radicals.
The free radicals damage collagen and collagen is what keeps our skin strong and elastic.
That's why the antioxidants are really valuable part of our eating regime.
What to eat for clear skin? My best suggestion is to create your own meal of these foods along with some foods that contain vitamins A, C, E and B - you will see that the results are very good at the end.

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