Business & Finance Careers & Employment

How to Deal With a Late-to-Work Employee

    • 1). Remind all employees about the attendance policy through an email, announcement at a meeting or memo. This lets all employees know that you have expectations for on-time arrivals. This may cause the tardy employee to start arriving on time.

    • 2). Document every instance of a late arrival for the specific employee who's tardy. Write down the date and the time she arrived. Include any excuses she provides to justify her late arrival in your documentation.

    • 3). Ask the employee if there's a specific cause or reason why she's late to work so frequently. For example, she may rely on public transportation or have a medical condition that makes it difficult to arrive on time. Discuss potential accommodations, such as an adjustment to her work schedule, to account for these possibilities.

    • 4). Establish consequences for the employee if she continues arriving late. For example, require her to make up the time at the end of the day or decrease her regular bonuses. Let her know what the consequences will be if she doesn't start showing up on time.

    • 5). Provide the employee with positive feedback if she begins arriving on time. Let her know you notice that she's becoming more punctual through verbal recognition or written notes to express your appreciation for the improved punctuality.

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