Physiological Concerns in Love and Relationships
When we talk about love and relationships, we usually think instinctively of love and romance.
There are certain aspects though that we also have to consider; major considerations that we often ignore because it is not a norm and it is not romantic.
What are these concerns? First is the fact that a number of unborn and newly born babies die because of the simple fact that their parents did not have compatible blood types.
Have you ever heard of couples conducting a blood typing test before getting married? Perhaps some have, but I have never heard of a blood typing done in church or in the Judge's room.
This is because it is very unromantic and uncommon.
You are supposed to love the person you are with because you are in a passionate relationship with him.
Second, many couples acquire sexually transmitted diseases because they have not bothered to have themselves tested.
Their love and passion for each other had blinded their eyes and muddled their brain beyond rational thinking.
They are so in love and any other consideration is out of the question.
If you look at it objectively, it is a romantic notion that is totally insane.
Loving someone and being in a serious relationship with that beloved should also ensure finding out if he or she would be a safe romantic partner.
Would it not be sane and practical to have a blood typing and STD tests performed before two people in a love relationship tie the knot in a wedding ceremony? Love and romance also denote responsibility for the welfare of the beloved.
So if you are deciding to marry for love or for passion, then make it a point to have a blood typing and STD tests performed on you and your partner.
After all, this is an indication that you truly love the person you are in a relationship with because you care for his welfare.
There are certain aspects though that we also have to consider; major considerations that we often ignore because it is not a norm and it is not romantic.
What are these concerns? First is the fact that a number of unborn and newly born babies die because of the simple fact that their parents did not have compatible blood types.
Have you ever heard of couples conducting a blood typing test before getting married? Perhaps some have, but I have never heard of a blood typing done in church or in the Judge's room.
This is because it is very unromantic and uncommon.
You are supposed to love the person you are with because you are in a passionate relationship with him.
Second, many couples acquire sexually transmitted diseases because they have not bothered to have themselves tested.
Their love and passion for each other had blinded their eyes and muddled their brain beyond rational thinking.
They are so in love and any other consideration is out of the question.
If you look at it objectively, it is a romantic notion that is totally insane.
Loving someone and being in a serious relationship with that beloved should also ensure finding out if he or she would be a safe romantic partner.
Would it not be sane and practical to have a blood typing and STD tests performed before two people in a love relationship tie the knot in a wedding ceremony? Love and romance also denote responsibility for the welfare of the beloved.
So if you are deciding to marry for love or for passion, then make it a point to have a blood typing and STD tests performed on you and your partner.
After all, this is an indication that you truly love the person you are in a relationship with because you care for his welfare.