Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

When to Sell Your Stock Shares

To most investors, when to buy penny stocks is the most important thing in their line of business.
However, knowing the time to sell them is more important.
Think about it, the reason why you made the investment in the first place was to make profits.
So, when exactly is the right time to sell your shares? Most investors sell their shares when their penny stock losses reach a certain percentage-from 6% on.
If your pre-set percentage limit is exceeded, sell.
Suspecting that a company is almost dead or is slowly going underground is an indication that you are bound to suffer loss.
Instead of waiting to experience such losses, why don't you sell the shares beforehand? If you achieve the preset goal, like if you had been saving for a college fund, and have made the money you planned to make, it is better to liquidate those shares.
For many investors, it's the profits that drive them.
When a current business you had faith in starts to make losses, it's alright to sell the shares and make a new investment in a more profit-promising company that is likely to meet your standards.
When faced by a calamity and you need immediate funds in your account, e.
a serious medical condition, or other financial problems, it's advisable to sell the shares rather than continue suffering.
All that is needed to be done to make the transaction process complete is to go in a bank with your stock certificate, ask for an investment officer, and let the bank sell the shares at the price that they are currently going at in the market.
The best method of all is by doing so online through a brokerage account.
Your trading certificate will then be sent or mailed to the brokerage house.
The penny stock are then placed in an online trading account for the shareholder and they are free to sell their shares anytime they want.

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