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Suffer Little Children

Whether one prefers the King James Version of Matthew 19:14, €But Jesus said, €Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven' € or the New American Standard Version's, €But Jesus said, €Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these' €, the import is the same: Kids are innocents deserving of salvation.

Except, that is, in the disturbed psyches of liberal-leftists, some of whom, like extremists Vera Scroggins and Barack Hussein Obama, believe children should be sexual playthings for their parents (Scroggins) and should be sexually educated as soon as they enter school (Obama).

Obama Supporter/Anti-Fracking Activist and €Grandmother Superhero" Scroggins, an avid Obama supporter and environmentalist noted for her visceral opposition to hydraulic fracking, recently posted her odd thoughts on parental pedophilia on a Yahoo website, Peacelist: €I have had intuitive thoughts that such would be a healthy way for parents to interact with their children and introduce their children to sensual/sexual pleasure and bonding and loving practices. Who better to do it, than the parents first?€

Certainly, €intuitive thoughts€ are the best of all thoughts, but then Scroggins added that she €thought it was strange that something natural, beautiful, and human should be kept hidden, especially from children. Children can lead the way in showing us sexuality and sensuality in their own, unique, innocent, way if allowed from birth to own their bodies in every pleasurable and expressive way.€

Her intuitive thoughts never straying far from innocent children, the proud nudist also observed that, €I do feel comfortable and not a sex object at nudist gatherings and lovely to be surrounded by all sizes and shapes - feel innocent and like a child, playful.€

(Not incidentally, Scroggins' posting venue, Peacelist, boasts it is €dedicated to the advancement of the human species by restoring its natural peacefulness, through the means of affectionate parenting and sexual freedom,€ i.e., promoting parental pedophilia.)

America's president doesn't necessarily promote the psychiatric disorder of sexual interest in children by their parents or anyone else; for some inexplicable reason, he merely endorses sexualizing kids as soon as society and schools get the opportunity.

Obama, a pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion, pro-Muslim and anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-transparency president, said in 2003 and reiterated in 2004 and in 2007 that he fully supported the idea that, €It is the right thing to do, to provide age-appropriate sex education, science-based sex education in the schools,€ starting with kindergartners who could be as young as five years of age.

In 2004 at Benedictine College while still an Illinois state senator, Obama clarified his views by saying, €Nobody's suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about sex in the way that we think about it. If they ask a teacher €where do babies come from,' that providing information that the fact is that it's not a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing. Although again, that's going to be determined on a case by case basis by local communities and local school boards,€ which was a baldfaced lie.

To further bolster his opinion, an Obama spokesman later cited a €curriculum for those in kindergarten€ produced by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, SIECUS, a thinly-disguised forum for promoting homosexuality, which suggested discussing same-sex relationships€"in non-graphic terms - with kindergartners.€

SIECUS dutifully came to Obama's defense by explaining that the bill he supported in Illinois, SB99, which ultimately failed to win passage, did in fact extend sex education to kindergartners and added that said SB99 would have also removed all mention of €marriage€ from sex education in the Illinois' public schools.

Now, his adopted home town of Chicago, the murder capital of America with some of the worst-performing schools in the country, has decided to implement their favorite son's and SIECUS' program.

According to a report by the CBS affiliate in Chicago, the new sex education program mandated in Chicago public schools will€"like the SIECUS curriculum€"instruct kindergartners about same-sex relationships and €Students will also take a look at the different family structures that exist in today's society.€ In addition, the CBS report quoted Stephanie Whyte, the chief health officer of the Chicago Public Schools: €Whether that means there's two moms at home, everyone's home life is different, and we introduce the fact that we all have a diverse background.€

Actually, we all don't €have a diverse background.€ Many Americans have a rather uniform background and while we recognize and accept that people can have diverse opinions, we reject opinions that posit that young children would benefit from being taught about sex - and we especially reject the notion they should be taught about the normality of homosexual relationships while denied instruction as to the true normality of marriage between one man and one woman.

Let the children alone and do not hinder them from being children.
(See all sources at

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