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How to View Any Criminal Records Instantly - The Best Method For Viewing Criminal Records Privately

Every US citizen has the right to access any person's public records.
This is due to the Freedom of Information Act, approved by the US government.
This act released all public records, including criminal records.
This article will briefly cover how you can view public records.
The Freedom of Information Act, written into law in 1966, permits all US citizens access to any and all records that go through any office controlled by the US government.
The act was made into law as a method to keep the public safe and informed.
Getting the records from the government can be a trying process, though, as it needs a special request and long wait times.
This is the process for all states.
Lucky for us, some private companies have compiled all public data on all individuals into electronic databases that are accessible immediately and give you accurate public records at the click of a button.
You will have to give a couple bucks to use the firms' databases, but the searches are private and guarantee results.
Searching for public data on the internet can be an absolute God send.
A good buddy of mine began dating a girl he had met online, and both of us had a bad feeling about her.
I think a lot of people know the feeling, I regret to say.
So we threw some money together and performed a background check on the girl, and when the results popped up onto our screen, we were blown away.
Turns out the girl had been tried as a con artist and scammer! My buddies and I had our insecurities about her, and found out quickly that there was good reason for our doubts.
It's your right to see any person's public records, so take advantage of your rights and protect yourself.
The US government approves of you viewing criminal records as a means to your safety.

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