Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Learning To "Hang In There" When Times Are Tough

Despite all the doom and gloom in the world, I feel there has never been a better time to chase down your desires and realize your dreams.
Challenging, difficult times bring about opportunity.
Opportunities to grow, improve, and build strength and character.
"Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.
Napoleon Hill Despite tough times presenting you with opportunities, you nevertheless still need to be equipped with a resilience and resolve to stick around, hang in there, and to never quit.
Realizing dreams requires, drive, determination, and commitment to do whatever it takes.
But I hear you asking, "How do I find a way of keeping going, when I've toiled for days, weeks, and months on end meeting disappointment after disappointment?" "I've explored ever possible avenue, followed all the cutting edge advice and utilized every great resource and I've still not savored success!" Are you a person who's likely to say 'this will never work' and throw in the towel, even though you could be within touching distance of your dreams? If so then you are of similar character to the Darby family in Napoleon Hill's classic book 'Think And Grow Rich', who disastrously give up digging for gold when they were literally 3 FEET away? If this is you then I advise you to read on.
Take Time For Reflection If everything you do seems never to work and the road you're trudging appears a constant uphill struggle, then the best thing to do is to take yourself out of the battle and sit on the sidelines for a short while.
It's so important you stop all this strain and struggle.
Continually banging on a door that will never open will only lead to further frustration and disillusionment.
Instead take some quiet time to reflect on your actions you've taken so far and also to establish some new perspectives.
Read some inspiring books or success stories.
Watch some feel good, uplifting movies.
The important thing is to try not to put pressure on yourself to find a solution to your problem.
Relax, let go and the answers you're looking for will come when the time is right for you.
Remember, focusing on a problem will only serve to energize the problem, causing it to become bigger.
Rather, just state your intention clearly i.
finding a solution to your overcome your particular issue or problem, and then hand it over to your subconscious mind and the universe to bring you the answers you're looking for.
Your subconscious will help you find all the information you will ever need; all you have to do is get out of its way and let it do its work.
It could be that you're already at the right place, and it only needs some adjustments to your plans and actions.
Or maybe that now isn't the right time and you just have to wait that while longer until things start happening for you.
Whatever the frustration or challenge you may face, taking time out to consult with your subconscious is very important, as it ensures you remain open to information that you may have missed, which could prevent you from wasting lots of time, energy and money.
Draw Inspiration From Your Heroes We all have heroes or role models that we look up to and want to follow.
If you are feeling a little discouraged and are struggling to hang in there and keep up the fight, then reading about your heroes journeys to success, and their battles to overcome adversity will prove a great inspiration.
The life stories of people like Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey and Chris Gardner (Pursuit Of Happyness), are great examples of human courage, resilience and determination.
These inspiring stories also serve as a great reminder that every successful person that's gone before you was once in the same position that you are now.
However, possessed with certain human qualities, (that you also posses in abundance), these people were able to overcome great struggle and despair to achieve incredible success.
You really do have the power and potential to achieve whatever you want in life.
Yes, you will encounter tough times that will require an unwavering commitment and dedication to get through them, but with a 'stick-at it' attitude you will eventually get to where you want to go.
Success never comes cheaply.
Challenges and adversity have to be overcome.
So make sure to hang in there, tough it out, enjoy the journey, and rich rewards will be yours.

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