Health & Medical Lose Weight

Having Great Self Esteem and A Positive Body Image

The images of women we see in the media today do not exist in the physical world. Even Kate Moss doesn't look like a magazine cover in real life - regardless of how slim she is naturally, her photos are all airbrushed and fake. If a supermodel doesn't look like a media image, then how can a real person look that way?

Stop trying to look like someone on the billboard, or wishing you had a supermodel's waist - often the supermodel doesn't have that waist either!

If you are unhappy with the way you look - stop! Stop with the negative self-talk, stop telling yourself you hate how you look, stop saying you wish you looked different.

I know how it feels. A few years back, I had an ex-boyfriend who was emotionally abusive, and constantly told me I was fat. Soon, I couldn't see beyond my fat cheeks and flabby belly.

Stop comparing yourself to someone who looks better. Stop hating the way you look. We become what we believe. Often, someone has told us too often that we are ugly or fat, and we start to believe it. We put on more weight, and then become more desperate to lose that weight.

As ironic as it may sound, the first step to losing weight is to not be desperate to lose weight.

Forget that you want to lose x pounds in a month or you want to fit into your skinny jeans again. Forget that you don't like the way you look, or you think (or someone else thinks) that you're fat.

Instead, focus on who you are. You are so much more than what you look like. Focus on the individual you are.

Positive reinforcement can help you increase your self esteem. Think about something you absolutely love about your life or yourself, and create a personal mantra. A mantra is a sentence or phrase that's capable of removing negative thoughts.

When said repeatedly, a mantra will purify your consciousness. It can be Having A Positive Body Image something as simple as "The harder I work, the luckier I am" or "I glow within". Start the day by repeating this mantra a few times, and repeat it whenever you feel down or find negative emotions creeping up on you.

Create a thankfulness journal. Write a few lines in it every day before you go to bed, outlining the things you are thankful for that day. It could be as simple as "I'm thankful the weather was nice for my picnic today". Over time this will increase your happiness and you will see your life in a more positive light. If you don't want to write down your thoughts, you can perform this exercise mentally.

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