How To Understand Politicians
It is no secret that the American people are not exactly satisfied with how government is conducting its business.
While local approval rates are decent for most politicians at the federal level, Congress fares much worse.
A recent Gallup poll showed that only 15% of those polled approved of Congress.
79% disapproved.
People aren't happy with the job our elected representatives are doing, and to understand that, we need to take a look at how to understand politicians.
Political Races Are Expensive and Time Consuming The average cost of a senatorial race, adjusted for inflation, doubled from 1986 to 2010.
This requires constant campaigning.
The term for a senator lasts six years, giving a bit more time for fundraising and community outreach leading up to the next election.
Congressional term lengths only last two years, leading many congressmen to spend more time fundraising, going to conferences and other events allowing them to gain more exposure.
This leaves little time for lawmaking and representing their constituents.
At least in Congress, many representatives spend time at home, in their districts.
This sounds like a good thing, but much of their time is spent on tasks more important to reelection than to doing their jobs in Washington D.
Effects On Legislation To understand why this is problematic, we can look at one policy that is growing more and more unpopular: The War On Drugs.
Recent polls show that more and more people are losing confidence or are outright unhappy with this aggressive policy to lower the use and sale of illicit drugs.
Unsurprisingly, a Huffington Post poll recently showed that over 90% of respondents thought the policy was a poor one.
The recent legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington may serve as a bellwether for changes to come.
People are more focused on the economy and security than they are on whether someone chooses to engage in certain behaviors in the privacy of their own home.
Yet, politicians continue to march on.
By the end of 2012, one out of every five prisoners were drug offenders.
Many of them are non-violent offenders.
At least part of the explanation for this is politicians want to appear tough.
Very few are willing to admit that past policies have been a failure and that policies must be changed.
Luckily, Change Is Coming In the past, discussing reform or other legislation that appeared "soft on crime", even non violent offenses, was political suicide.
Today, the political tide is turning.
Voters are deciding that focusing on jobs, the federal debt and security is often a better use of resources.
Politicians will do what they need to for reelection.
As voters shift their focus and priorities, so too will politicians.
While local approval rates are decent for most politicians at the federal level, Congress fares much worse.
A recent Gallup poll showed that only 15% of those polled approved of Congress.
79% disapproved.
People aren't happy with the job our elected representatives are doing, and to understand that, we need to take a look at how to understand politicians.
Political Races Are Expensive and Time Consuming The average cost of a senatorial race, adjusted for inflation, doubled from 1986 to 2010.
This requires constant campaigning.
The term for a senator lasts six years, giving a bit more time for fundraising and community outreach leading up to the next election.
Congressional term lengths only last two years, leading many congressmen to spend more time fundraising, going to conferences and other events allowing them to gain more exposure.
This leaves little time for lawmaking and representing their constituents.
At least in Congress, many representatives spend time at home, in their districts.
This sounds like a good thing, but much of their time is spent on tasks more important to reelection than to doing their jobs in Washington D.
Effects On Legislation To understand why this is problematic, we can look at one policy that is growing more and more unpopular: The War On Drugs.
Recent polls show that more and more people are losing confidence or are outright unhappy with this aggressive policy to lower the use and sale of illicit drugs.
Unsurprisingly, a Huffington Post poll recently showed that over 90% of respondents thought the policy was a poor one.
The recent legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington may serve as a bellwether for changes to come.
People are more focused on the economy and security than they are on whether someone chooses to engage in certain behaviors in the privacy of their own home.
Yet, politicians continue to march on.
By the end of 2012, one out of every five prisoners were drug offenders.
Many of them are non-violent offenders.
At least part of the explanation for this is politicians want to appear tough.
Very few are willing to admit that past policies have been a failure and that policies must be changed.
Luckily, Change Is Coming In the past, discussing reform or other legislation that appeared "soft on crime", even non violent offenses, was political suicide.
Today, the political tide is turning.
Voters are deciding that focusing on jobs, the federal debt and security is often a better use of resources.
Politicians will do what they need to for reelection.
As voters shift their focus and priorities, so too will politicians.