Health & Medical Lose Weight

Beware! The Obesity Epidemic is Gonna Get You!

There was a fairly recent publication in which a Futurist was asked to predict various changes we could expect in the coming decades.
One prediction was that in the future, all men will be bald and will have no body hair.
But the most disturbing prediction was that people will continue to grow fatter each decade, and that eventually, most, if not all of us will become obese.
By that time, he added; medicine will have found ways to cure diabetes and heart disease and other illnesses which can be brought on by obesity.
In other word, it really didn't matter! The interviewer should have asked him; if medicine will become advanced enough to find cures for those diseases, why can't they start with a simple way to prevent the onset of obesity in the first place? After all, a widespread obesity problem did not exist, other than as a rare condition, until the nineteen fifties to sixties.
The reality is that it's not just Futurists who have no interest in weight problems, there seems to be a complete lack of interest from both the medical and scientific professions as well.
weight problems, even obesity, have been claimed by fringe groups like Nutritionists, Dieticians and various Diet Guru's and the medical and scientific professions seem delighted by that outcome.
Weight gain, and particularly obesity are tainted by the myth that it is a self inflicted condition, which could be easily handled by a diet and some self control.
This is simply not true.
But it has allowed medicine or science to step back and leave the whole issue in the hands of people who are not qualified to deal with it.
Medicine tends to intervene only when a medical condition like Type2 diabetes, threatens to develop as a result of obesity.
Obesity itself should be considered a medical condition but that is not going to happen.
The fringe 'experts' have had at least forty years to popularise 'nutrition' and to become entrenched in what they consider their exclusive playground.
They are supported by powerful Snack Food and Cereal manufacturers and the medical profession seems to be delighted to step back from that whole area anyway.
Many even refer patients to these 'experts' for diet advice.
As for scientists, they should be getting industry grants to study this unprecedented obesity epidemic, but they either lack the interest, or they are not getting the funds for that type of research.
This is not unexpected.
The funds would most appropriately come from the food manufacturers and they are not likely to support a cause which they must know will discredit their industry and put a stop to a very lucrative market.
Why would a futurist presume that evolution of human beings would suddenly occur at speeds never before seen? Humans have not changed for thousands of years, why would they suddenly change in less than fifty.
Of course, they wouldn't, not without human intervention, and the Futurists should have mentioned that.
He didn't, maybe because human intervention of that kind is invariably for profit.
Nobody wants to upset 'vested interests'.
Well, this can now change very easily.
The lucrative practice of 'living off the fat of the people', will not survive if this book finds the readership it deserves.
It exposes the 'experts' who, often with good intentions, have managed to fly in the face of nature and sent us all on a path to obesity.
You are going to learn that a permanent solution to permanent weight loss is finally a fact.
You can find out how it is possible to reverse this horrifying trend.
How it can enable people to regain their normal weight, permanently, without a diet, without exercise and without hunger, or cravings.

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