Home & Garden Pest Control

The Prevalence of Man-Made Chemicals, Including Pesticides

We live in a world of man-made chemicals including pesticides.
While some inventions are beneficial, there is an undercurrent of bad outcomes from being around chemicals that are synthetic and not natural.
Find out some main sources of exposure.
In particular, pesticides are prevalent in all aspects of our lives to such an extent that we are completely unaware when we are exposed to them.
When you enter any public space - whether it is the grocery store, a school, your office, a theater or a hospital - it has been treated with colorless, odorless synthetic chemical poisons to ensure there is no way a pest will be present.
These pesticides are neuro-toxic solutions that are lethal enough to kill a roach 3 months after an application that has dried, been mopped over and walked across.
Just think for a minute what level of residual poison that represents.
And you happen to walk across it, sit in it, inhale the odorless fumes, and your kids have rolled their toys in it and then put their hands in their mouths.
Think about it.
But that isn't the main source of pesticides that make their way into our bodies.
That express route is through food.
And the amount of pesticides used in, on and around food is staggering! Let us use corn as an example.
As corn is grown in the fields, it is treated with pesticides, often systemic chemicals that are actually absorbed into the plant to become part of the basic cell structure.
Once harvested, corn is treated with chemical preservatives to keep it appearing fresh longer than normal to accommodate the shipping to either a processing plant or directly to a farm to be used as feed.
When the corn arrives at the processing plant, it is transformed via chemical and mechanical processes to become packaged food such as corn chips and most often, even more preservative are added in the process.
The corn that becomes feed is then fed to cattle or poultry that are unknowingly eating preservative and pesticide-laced food.
These chemicals bio-accumulate at each layer of the food chain and now infiltrate the cell structures of the animals eating them.
Being at the top of the food chain, we humans consume the chemical laden corn chips along with pesticide rich meats and these chemicals now infiltrate our bodies on a cellular level to cause health issues and disease.
And we have no idea.
Yes, man-made, synthetic chemicals bombard us from many angles and we are often unknowing victims.

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