Prepare a Rabbit First Aid Kit
Good husbandry practices in your rabbitry is always the best way to maintain a healthy rabbit herd and avoid illness and disease. But as we all know, things can and do go wrong no matter how many precautions we take.
During those times having the right medical supplies and medications around will go a long way in treating an ailing rabbit, which will increase the chances of him making a full recovery.
On occasion, a veterinary visit may be necessary, but a great number of minor illnesses can be treated at home.
It's not necessary to purchase anything special to hold the medical supplies, but you'll want to have a solid container (I use a plastic one) with a secure lid for your rabbit first aid kit. Here's a pretty thorough list of things you’ll want to have on hand in your rabbitry:
- Sterile cotton pads
- 1 large & 1 small towel
- Antibiotic cream (the kind without the added pain relief formula -- it actually stings before it brings releif.)
- Corticosteroid or other salve
- Cooking oil (for ear mites)
- Cotton balls
- Cotton swabs
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Nail clippers
- Papaya tablets (if you have Angora rabbits)
- Plastic medicine dropper
- Rubber gloves (disposable if possible)
- Saline eyewash
- Small pair of sharp scissors
- Tweezers
- Styptic powder
- Index card with the phone numbers of your veterinarian and the most knowledgeable rabbit breeders that you know for emergency help.
There are some medications that you may have to have a prescription for in order to obtain, but many of these can be purchased from a livestock or feed store.
If you can get them for your kit, do so.
- Albon
- Tetracycline soluble powder
- Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment (for eyes)
- Ivermectin (or other wormers like fenbendazole )
- Miticide (instead of cooking oil)
- Probiotic (beneficial bacteria)
The most inexpensive way of acquiring medications that come in amounts larger than you need is to combine your efforts with another rabbit breeder and split both the medication and cost.
Note: Please don't share leftover prescription medications without first consulting your veterinarian.
Medical Disclaimer: This article is for informational use only. It's not in any way meant to be a replacement for professional medical care. If you suspect your animal is in danger because of illness or injury, it's the sole responsibility of the owner to seek medical attention and advice from a veterinary professional immediately.