5 Ideas To Compensate Yourself After A Break-Up
I have been through relationship break-ups, and I remember one in particular.
We were together for almost five years when he decided that we are not compatible.
Fair enough.
I was in tears and couldn't believe that my long-term relationship had come to an end.
I moved out of the flat we had rented a few weeks before my birthday.
My dream was always to fly to New York City, do sightseeing and combine it with shopping.
I scraped all my money together and got on a flight to NYC just a few days before my birthday.
My tears and disappointment was almost forgotten.
I stayed in a cheap hotel near Central Park and jumped on the hop-on and hop-off bus for two days.
I saw this amazing city from the inside out.
I shopped for some trousers and tops and enjoyed lunch and dinner in various restaurants around Manhattan.
1) What you need is compensation after a break up.
Where did you always wanted to travel to while you were in your relationship, but never got to? 2) Invite your girl-friends round for a cooked dinner.
Enjoy wine, play some crazy and funny games.
Begin to enjoy your life with the guy that has disappointed you so much.
Until the next guy turns up on your doorstep...
3) Buy yourself that dress you always wanted, but have never bought.
Because your boyfriend always said that this is too expensive.
4) Learn something new.
I always wanted to study Psychology.
I still haven't come round to do it.
But I have not given up on it.
I am in a relationship at the moment and I am happy.
But should I be single one day again, this is the first thing I would enrol to.
5) Move abroad.
Did you always dream of living and working in a foreign country? I have.
I moved from Germany to England twenty years ago.
And this happen after a relationship break up in my home county.
I have fulfilled my dream living and working abroad, and it is very liberating.
Whatever the reason for the break-up is, it is the chance for a new beginning in your life.
You can enjoy single life for a while, because I am sure that the new potentially future partner will appear on the stage of life sooner or later.
But in the meantime I suggest that you enjoy life to the full with whatever you do.
We were together for almost five years when he decided that we are not compatible.
Fair enough.
I was in tears and couldn't believe that my long-term relationship had come to an end.
I moved out of the flat we had rented a few weeks before my birthday.
My dream was always to fly to New York City, do sightseeing and combine it with shopping.
I scraped all my money together and got on a flight to NYC just a few days before my birthday.
My tears and disappointment was almost forgotten.
I stayed in a cheap hotel near Central Park and jumped on the hop-on and hop-off bus for two days.
I saw this amazing city from the inside out.
I shopped for some trousers and tops and enjoyed lunch and dinner in various restaurants around Manhattan.
1) What you need is compensation after a break up.
Where did you always wanted to travel to while you were in your relationship, but never got to? 2) Invite your girl-friends round for a cooked dinner.
Enjoy wine, play some crazy and funny games.
Begin to enjoy your life with the guy that has disappointed you so much.
Until the next guy turns up on your doorstep...
3) Buy yourself that dress you always wanted, but have never bought.
Because your boyfriend always said that this is too expensive.
4) Learn something new.
I always wanted to study Psychology.
I still haven't come round to do it.
But I have not given up on it.
I am in a relationship at the moment and I am happy.
But should I be single one day again, this is the first thing I would enrol to.
5) Move abroad.
Did you always dream of living and working in a foreign country? I have.
I moved from Germany to England twenty years ago.
And this happen after a relationship break up in my home county.
I have fulfilled my dream living and working abroad, and it is very liberating.
Whatever the reason for the break-up is, it is the chance for a new beginning in your life.
You can enjoy single life for a while, because I am sure that the new potentially future partner will appear on the stage of life sooner or later.
But in the meantime I suggest that you enjoy life to the full with whatever you do.