Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Stress, the Silent Killer

Stress is your mind's response to a threat.
This threat may be physical or emotional, real or imagined.
If imagined, there may not be an actual threat to your well being, but your mind does not know or notice the difference and gets stressed regardless.
A little bit of stress can be beneficial preparing the body to excel in an emotional or physical way.
However in modern life the ongoing presence of stress causes many adverse reactions in the body.
The body is always ready for danger, not having the opportunity to recover, or relax on a regular basis.
Most of what causes the stress is non-physical: competition at work, the desire to excel, the need to provide, the responsibilities of family life, the need to "live up to expectations", having too much to do, not having enough resources (knowledge, time or money), financial pressures, the need to perform 24 x 7, rapid changing environments, tight deadlines.
Stress prepares your body for fighting the danger you are faced with.
Your defense against the danger comes from prehistoric times where you had to deal with beasts many times your size.
When stressed, your body: increases your heart and breathing rate, constricts your blood vessels escalating your blood pressure, reduces your digestion, tenses your muscles so you can fight the beast or run like crazy.
You can see that stress upsets the balance and harmony of your body.
Here are some physical conditions that may be related to stress: acne, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, herpes, psoriasis and warts, stomach pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, belching, flatulence, grinding teeth and stomach ulcers.
migraine headaches, high blood pressure, incontinence, emphysema and asthma.
Here are some behavioral symptoms of stress: irritability, shutting down, closing up, indecisiveness, avoidance, irrational decision making, being influenced by others , being distracted, substance abuse (drugs, alcohol), addictions like gambling , abusive behavior (self or others).
Here are some emotional symptoms of stress: low self worth, excessive anger, road rage, blaming, anxiety, depression.
In order to have peace, joy, relief, comfort and success in your life, in order to live longer and happier, you need to reduce stress.
It is easier than you think.
Answer these four questions first: 1 - How do you know when you are stressed? 2 - What do you do to get stressed? 3 - How do you know when you are relaxed? 4 - What do you do to get relaxed? Do less of what you listed in question 2 and do more of what you listed in question 4! It is that easy.
Here are some ideas for reducing stress, or increasing relaxation in your life: Drink water when thirsty, eat when hungry, stop when you are full, rest or sleep when tired, stretch when sitting for a while, balance your life.
spend some time taking care of your health, finances, emotions, career, social life, spiritual life and play, exercise, meditate (15 minutes, twice a day), journal (write your thoughts and feelings on page), do one thing at a time, talk it out, help others, get a massage, eat more fibre, fruit & vegetables, spend time with family and friends, no computer or tv one week a day, clear your mind, leave your work behind, give & get hugs, see a professional.

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