Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Bird Allergy - A Three-Pronged Approach to Effectively Managing Bird Allergy

Bird allergy is the result of your body's over reacting to protein found in bird dander, bird dust that is a by-product of wing formation for many species, feathers, saliva, and even feces.
The allergy can be triggered by inhaling small (in many cases sub-micron sized) particles that are constantly being produced by preening, wing flapping and other normal bird activities.
You have about as much chance of stopping allergen production as you do of grabbing hold of a speeding train.
So how do you mange a bird allergy and keep your pet birds too? Here are 3 ways to keep your bird and keep your bird allergy under control.
Clean the Cage Daily Frequent cleaning of the cage will remove feathers, dander, dust, and feces-all of which contain thousand of allergens.
Regular cleaning limits the number of contaminants that can be sent airborne, and will also improve your bird's health by eliminating pollutants that cause your bird's respiratory passages to become congested.
Use a mask if you are allergic or ask someone else do the cleaning.
Clean the Floor around the Cage Vacuuming the floor around the cage is as important as cleaning the actual cage.
Vacuuming creates less dust, and does more to remove the particles as opposed to sweeping which often simply moves the pollutants around.
Vacuuming also cuts down on the number of particles that are carried from one place to another in your home on the bottom of shoes, on socks, or even bare feet.
Socks end up with other clothes, bare feet end up in bed or on a sofa, and suddenly you have tiny bits of bird dust, feathers that are hard to escape.
Use a HEPA Air Purifier to Filter Your Air A high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier is designed to remove those allergens that are light enough to remain airborne and which therefore can be inhaled by you and your bird.
Filtering the air constantly will remove both seen and unseen allergens before they collect in the cage, the floor, or in your lungs, or your birds' lungs.

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