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How to Remove Starter Bolts From a Tranny Toyota Pickup

    • 1). Climb underneath the vehicle and locate the starter on the back of the transmission. The bolts that hold the starter in place are actually on the backside of the starter, but they are accessible from the front. You won't be able to reach them with a standard length socket and socket wrench because the starter and transmission are in the way.

    • 2). Attach the extension to the socket wrench, and then attach the appropriate sized six-point socket to the socket wrench extension. The exact size of the socket will depend on the year and model of your Toyota truck. Typically, this will be a 9 mm or 10 mm bolt, so you will need a 9 or 10mm socket. Use six-point sockets because they will grip the bolt better. If you round these bolts off due to insufficient grip on the bolt head, they will be extremely difficult to remove.

    • 3). Slide the extension and socket past the starter and over the bolt heads (they are visible from the front of the starter).

    • 4). Turn the bolt counterclockwise to remove, and pull the socket out with the bolt.

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