Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Article Marketing Is Not Shakespeare

When many beginning article marketers start out, they think that they need to write an excellent article to make it to the top.
THIS IS WRONG! If you create only one excellent article, you are not going to be seen as an expert in whatever your talking about.
YOU WANT TO BE SEEN AS AN EXPERT! This is vital to your article marketing success! But you might say, "But if I write an excellent article about my topic, won't that make me an expert?" No.
The answer is no.
To be seen as an expert on the internet, you need to flood the market with your knowledge.
Just creating one excellent article won't get you anywhere in the article marketing business.
We're not writing Shakespeare people! We're just writing good articles to help inform out audience.
Our job as an article marketer is to create short, information filled articles, and lots of them.
The more you write, the more of an expert your seen as.
It's that simple.
Think about it.
If you see someone with a thousand page book about online marketing and you see someone with a thousand books on online marketing, which one do you think would be more of an expert? So create short good articles about your topic.
Not Shakespeare.
That should be your thought whenever your writing an article.
When your writing just keep thinking, don't think Shakespeare, over and over.
That's all there is to it.
Find your topic, and write as many articles about it as possible and submit them.
The more you write, the more of an expert you look like! Remember! This isn't Shakespeare people! SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

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