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How to Get Your Ex Back – the First Fatal Mistake

Obviously you want to know how to get your ex back… I can fully understand and support that because I was there too and I remember that old wounds… Wistful feelings… Loneliness and pain… Absolutely everything - sometimes too vividly. But I don't want to belabor on your fresh wounds, so let's get back to your future reconciliation. In this article you'll discover the most fatal and foolish mistake that most of the people usually make while trying to get the ex lover back. Let's get started…

What's wrong? Looking for sympathy, support and approval… of your ex.

So how to get your ex back? First of all, answer a very simple and easy to answer question, my friend. When you and your beloved partner have met for the first time, what do you think made them attracted to you? Pain? Unhappiness? Depression? Loneliness? Anxiety?

I guess not. It's very uncommon for people like you and me to be attracted to these qualities and emotions, and for your ex too – surely! Men and women often find attractive this kind of people: joyful, excited, full of interest, happy, confident, curios, communicable, friendly, upbeat, open, motivated. That's very appealing for most of us, do you agree?

How to get your ex back, what do you think right now? In the anguished state of mental separation that always comes after the breakup, we usually try to decide that if we can make our ex "sorry enough" for us, they will promptly want to get back together… At this very moment! And you plan to act pitiful and sadly… Trying to arouse the feeling of sorrow in them so they'll desire to take you back because they feel sorry for you. The other way is to act very upset and often doing silly things just to let your ex know how hard this situation is for you, how depressed you are etc.

My suggestion here is: your depression, neediness along with loneliness and pain will only repel your ex further away from you. So if you want to figure out how to get your ex back, first of all – shift to the positive state of mind. Without this be sure – you've lost them forever (like I did several times before) – trust me at this point.

In a nutshell, what we're really doing now is just… Repelling our ex even further from us! You know why? Because we're acting in the totally opposite way of what actually brought us together with our beloved partner in the first place. We obviously aren't becoming attractive, but instead of that waste our energy just to become as repelling as we can… For our significant ones – our ex lovers.

This modus operandi truly makes the goal of getting your ex back 100% unachievable. Trust me at this point.

Do you want to clarify how to get your ex back? Well, then you apparently should take a few steps back to thoroughly think through your actions – being as straightforward as you can. Before thinking about how to get your ex back, think about how to stop repelling them. That's the most important part! Don't do counter-effective things before you start applying productive tactics, plans and strategies! That's the cornerstone of success in getting ex back.

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