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The Power Elite Are Talking Over

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

The power elite conspiracy is the biggest most important story in the whole universe! I use the term Anglo financial power elite and lump in their crony capitalists and mega military Machiavellian enablers, but the power elite were first mentioned by C. Wright Mills in his 1956 book, "The Power Elite." Mills wrote about wealthy, well connected families seeking to get more power and wealth by treating people like pawns in a chess game. The financial power elite banking families want a new world order and one world government. The banksters conspiracy involves reorganizing society to reduce prosperity and slowly strip people of any freedom and liberty they might have had by ruining the value of their money. This is the most important story in the world people. Everything else pales by comparison!

So, inflation caused by huge bloated borrowing by bogus bureaucratic socialized governments grinds down our entrepreneurial free market spirit, work ethic and morals. More and more people become dependent on the state entitlement welfare dole as those actually working and running profitable businesses get taxed a usurious 50% and then the gutted golden geese (companies) and the golden goose byproducts and services dip drastically in a deep deflationary depression.

Internationally you need to watch out for the United Nations, World Bank, World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Health Organization, Bank for International Settlements, ICC (international court), NATO and countless other globalist leftist leaning organizations all controlled by banking dynasties (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Goldmans, Warburgs etc), titled famous families and rich, restrictive churches (and all their political puppets). Only the free speech reformation resulting from the truth told on the internet and maybe the worldwide deflation and Greater Depression can slow this doomsday down. Historically, the internet will be held right up there with the Gutenberg printing press as a game changing way the common man had a say about and against Big Brother.

A world wide watchdog cap-and-trade organization (a supreme job killer) is probably the financial power elites next weapon against the free market as their tactics morph from having actual wars as smokescreens for taking our freedom to concepts such as global warming (now climate change), world contagious disease scares (bird flu) and a war on terrorism. What? It is war on Islamofascist terrorists. You cant just wage war on wild, worldwide whacky ideas.

Beware of mainstream press hyped themes which become memes such as: peak polluting oil, the green movement, nuclear proliferation by rogue countries, tax the rich, socialized ObamaCare (a rationing euthanasia scheme). Beware of Ponzi social security retirement plans, Ponzi Medicare like plans, Ponzi real estate manias, Ponzi stocks, Ponzie hedgefunds, Ponzi bond selling by the FED (QE1 & QE2) and Ponzi 401K and other retirement plans. Beware of bank bailouts - the taxpayer always ends up owing the debt. Many of these subtrifuges will be decimated by the Greater Depression.

World governments and especially democracy in the U.S.have become Ponzi-like promising public programs they can never afford. Bernie Madoff is a lightweight in comparison. If it is constantly in the elite controlled progressive left leaning mainstream media (TV news and newspapers), you can bet it is a smokescreen specifically to dupe you and reduce your freedoms. The elite earn vast profits and even finance both sides of warring nations like they did back in the Napoleon era. Think George Soros and all the communist front organizations he funds.

The book None Dare Call It Treason," by John A. Stormer 1964, sold millions of copies alerting to a left leaning coming communist/Marxist threat. Then in 1994, "The Creature from Jekyll Island A Second Look at the Federal Reserve" by G. Edward Griffin, told us about how the power elite banksters formed the Federal Reserve Bank, a fraudulent corrupt cartel and monopoly. The elite's purpose was to sap the strength and will of the United States. The plan was hatched by the elite back in 1913 at a secret meeting on an island off the Georgia coast to slowly and steadily ruin American by watering down the then gold backed dollar with fiat money inflation ($1 then is now only worth 4 cents). According to Griffin, their plan included wars as smookscreens, bailing out banks and corporations (you and I the taxpayer now owe the money), deficit spending, socialist Keynesianism, ballooning interest payments on the national debt, having the military industrial complex in their pocket - and any other tax, license, fee, restriction, rule and regulation. the fascists can think of to wreck the economy - along with making the U.S. policeman of the world and the main foreign aid source.

The European Union is a disaster and global governance is well entrenched. Likewise, America keeps getting more and more fascist with regulatory democracy and Corporatism as unelected Czar bureaucrats fraudulently fund both Nazi-like burgeoning intelligence agencies and a military industrial complex feeding forever at the public trough. Stop the crooked central banks by lobbying for and supporting a private gold backed money. Only gold is not someone elses debt. All credit inflations end in nasty deep credit deflationary depression, by the way. Credit deflation is the only cure for credit inflation. Deep dangerous deflationary depression dead ahead.

President Barack Hussein Obama the socialist communist Marxist fascist Nazi is the financial power elites poster child for ruining the U.S.economy with bailouts, new rules and regulations, deficit spending and socialism like the unconstitutional ObamaCare. We elected an anticolonialist thinking - Karl Marx loving - arrogant narcissist egomaniac. Obama wants to revoke ruin and dismantle the constitution and get the economy wrapped up around the axle. With the unemployment rate approaching 10 percent, U.S. poverty levels hit a 50-year high on September 14. 2011 it was reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. Thanks to Standard and Poors lowering the and debt grade from AAA to AA+ forevermore in history he will be known as Obama the Downgrade President and Obama the Job Loss President and Obama the Deficit Spending President.

The Greater Depression deflation downturn that started with the 2000 dot com mania climax crash will probably bottom in 2016 with 90 percent drops in most asset prices and close to 35 percent unemployment. Gold may even drop more than half from the $1,912 per ounce 2011 parabolic peak. The credit deflation pendulum swing predicted by Austrian economics will de fund much of the parasitic government metastasizing itself on the free market capitalist business host. Reduced taxes may reduce spending and shrink the size of government al all levels, but be fearful of new spending programs. Government job programs never work. Lower taxes and let business do the hiring. Instead, we get stupid Obama class warfare wealth redistribution right out of the Obama Communism 101 textbook. In addition, the lawless left is trying to destroy the Constitution. Protect the U.S. Constitution or all is lost!

Stop the tyranny of big government fixes, phony wars and falsehoods. This was not what our freedom favoring founding fathers had in mind. Beware glib globalizing politicians like Rick Perry from Texas who supported internationalism and a North American Union" in the past and who may be controlled by the financial power elite.

No sociopolitical explanation other than a conspiracy by the power elite to impoverish and thereby take over the world describes what has occurred. People and countries are made into totally controlled pawns who borrow only to then owe their soul to the company store - the stupendously rich banking families. Welcome to an orchestrated fascism and directed history right out of George Orwell's "1984." Huge chain link fenced tent prisons are already built to contain those that protest. As the deflationary depression misery grows the elite hope people will give up and give in to even more control just like when Hitler took control of Germany. Stop the growth of government!

More about how to survive and get rich in the coming deflation and Greater Depression at my website Hurry the CRASH IS COMING!

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:

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