Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Cervical Cancer Prevention - What You Can Do to Protect Yourself

Cervical cancer is not as common as some cancer but it is just as dangerous. There ways to potentially prevent this type of cancer. Some of these prevention methods are very effective. You should use as many of these preventative measures as you can.

One of the most important things that you can do is to get regular pap smear screenings. These tests are used to help identify abnormal cells by taking some cells from surface of the cervix. Testing for abnormal cells can help to prevent cervical cancer by finding this cancer early which will make it easier to treat in most cases. You should discuss with your doctor how often you should get a pap smear test.
One of the most effective ways to prevent this type of cancer by getting a HPV vaccine. At the time of this writing, this is a pretty new vaccine but it has proven to be pretty effective. The vaccine is designed to offer protection from the two HPV viruses that most commonly cause cervical cancer. It is suitable for girls and women between 9 and 26 years of age. Still, according to doctors the best time to have the shot is at the age of 11 to 12. Women who are sexually active will have to undergo a test for the presence of HPV before they can be vaccinated. You should discuss with your doctor if this vaccine is right for you.
HPV which is the cause of cervical cancer is a basically a sexually transmitted disease. The best way to prevent HPV is by practicing safe sex. Research indicates that the use of male condoms reduces the risk of getting an HPV infection as well as other STD's in general. Also the fewer sexual partners you have, the less of a risk you will have at getting HPV.
Some research has shown that there is a potential correlation between smoking and cervical cancer. It has not yet been determined exactly what that correlation is except that smoking does seem to increase the risk of HPV causing cancer. Because of this research, it is advised that if you want to reduce your risk of this type of cancer even further, then you may want to consider quitting smoking.
Because the cause of cervical cancer is known, it can be prevented and treated easier than other types of cancers if the proper precautions are taken. So you should consult with your doctor to find out exactly what you can do to prevent HPV and ultimately cervical cancer.

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