Home & Garden Pest Control

Rodent Control in 5 Simple Steps

Rodent pest control can't be put off. Rodents are unclean pests that carry death and disease. Rodents go on nighttime raids, scurrying around your home scrounging for food while leaving behind fecal matter. Even though they can't enter your fridge, they will exploit any opportunity to infest the rest of your home when given the chance. Super effective rodent pest control needs to be implemented quickly if rats have already encroached into your home. There are multiple reasons why you should get help immediately.

You can try several tactics to rid the rodents from your house. The more extermination methods you use, the more likely you are to experience success.  Follow these rodent control tips and you will be victorious.
  • First step, get rid of any food sources the are easily accessible. Store your food in containers that they cannot get into, such as a cooler, until the problem is gone.
  • Utilizing rodent bait traps is the best method of pest control. Capturing them is a breeze this way.
  • Consider baits that are readily available, since many products work well. Your best options will be seeds, pellets, or bait blocks. It is likely they won't fall for the first bait you utilize so don't be discouraged to try different bait varieties.
  • As you work on baiting and capturing, use gloves to clean up any nesting areas you find. This should include a sanitation process, which will keep the animals from returning to the area. Remove any and all of the hiding places you can during this process.
  • Keep a clean home--even small particles of food left around will encourage the rats or mice to move on to find a new home. The only accessible food source you want out should be the bait placed in the rat or mouse trap.

Home pest control tactics are usually adequate for rodents, but if you encounter an insurmountable rodent invasion then a professional rodent exterminator will be your best bet. If the pest control seems too overwhelming or unachievable, be adamant in contacting a professional pest control specialist to help you out. Take back your home and secure it from future invasions!

For more similar info on ant control, check out the pest control resource at pest exterminator.

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