Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Ditch Your PowerPoint and Start Making More Sales Now

PowerPoint is one of the most widely used business applications on the planet.
Daily business owners, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals eagerly work on their presentations in preparation for meetings.
They work on transitions, bullet points, and search the web for great graphics to incorporate into their slides.
If you counted the number of hours and dollars invested in people just using PowerPoint you would probably be sick.
The reality is that you don't even need PowerPoint for your presentations.
Can it be helpful? Yes.
Can it illustrate ideas? Yes.
Can it HURT your conversion? YES! Far too often people spend all of their time worrying about the slides and visual presentation without a focus on HOW they are going to get conversion.
Visual illustrations can be great, but focusing on PowerPoint can cause you to lose focus on your audience and the material.
To help you get conversion the next time you are in front of an audience (whether it's 50 or 950 people) I invite you to consider the following methods:
  • Handouts - Instead of creating dashing slides and worrying about how it could display, simply print out slides where they can take notes.
    Put yourself in control of the situation by making sure your audience takes notes where you want them to.
    Using simple handouts will cause your prospects (or those you need "buy in" from) to take notes when and where you tell them.
  • Ask Questions - Getting conversion from an audience means getting participation.
    One of the easiest ways to get participation in audiences of all sizes is to ask questions.
    The less you "tell" people and the more questions you ask the more engaged the audience will be with your material.
    Wipe out your slides and notes and trade for a list of questions for the audience.
  • Move - I am not talking about walking in a simple "V" pattern.
    Get involved with the audience by walking into the audience or at least covering more of the stage.
    Don't fidget or get stuck behind a podium, use your movement to help the audience connect with you at all levels.
When you ditch your slides for handouts, ask more questions, and have movement that engages the audience you will quickly be on the path to doubling your conversion rate.
No longer will you be trapped by the features of PowerPoint! Let the audience connect with your questions and with your personality and quickly double your sales.
Discover key methods that I learned the hard way after doing over 2,200 live events.
You can get my FREE 5 day course on speaking for success at - www.

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