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Article Marketing Has A Significant Impact On Link Building Architecture!

Article Marketing is a worthwhile marketing strategy for short-term and long-term website development and search engine optimization. A well-planned article marketing strategy that maps out its linking strategy prior to article submission will promote your website with search engines and position your website to develop long-term customer leads.

Article marketing is a common marketing strategy used in search engine optimization and website promotion. However, article marketing strategies are varied and plentiful. Developing a well-thought out article submission strategy before submitting your articles to article submission directories, blogs, social bookmaking websites and niche websites can enrich your website with a blueprint for success.

An article marketing strategy that consists of randomly submitting duplicate articles to article directories and social bookmaking websites without a proper syndication strategy puts your website at risk for being ignored by the search engines. The major search engines will search for the original source of the article submitted to base their search engine results on. A mass-submission strategy of duplicate articles without a syndication strategy also under-optimizes the opportunity to develop fresh leads from original, sought-after content. It also under-optimizes the link building architecture of your website. Your website 's link building architecture is a primary consideration in the search engine result pages (SERPS) that are presented after a user 's query.

Article marketing has a significant impact on link building architecture. Search engines determine the quality and topic of a website by evaluating each and every internal link and external link. It is your link building architecture that will determine how the search engines conceptualize your website. Article marketing through article submission directories and social bookmaking websites, blogs, and other means, for more detail can provide you with links that can build up your deep links as well as your website 's links to your homepage. An article marketing strategy that submits articles to optimize deep linking in the website 's link building architecture will succeed in providing a comprehensive and accurate view of your website to the search engines.

When you are developing your article marketing strategy, write article content that is relevant to a deep-page link. If necessary, prepare your website 's page for optimizing the article prior to submitting an article with a link to that page. Submitting articles that lead to deep-linked pages will contribute to your link-building architecture and also provide an avenue for visitor 's to click from those deep links to your home page which is highly likely if they are pleased with your content. Your article marketing strategy can also include article submission for deep-linked pages that offer opt-in programs or sales opportunities.

Article marketing is one of the foundational strategies of search engine optimization. Carefully planning your article marketing strategy to construct a solid link-building architecture gives a comprehensive view of your website to search engines, creates opportunity for customer lists and sales, and multiplies the probability of gaining new visitors to your website. Article marketing through article submission directories, social bookmaking websites, press releases, for more detail
Contributions to niche websites or niche blogs, is a vital strategy for website promotion and search engine optimization. Without an article marketing strategy, your website will eventually succumb to low visibility and poor search engine rankings. Article marketing that strategically builds upon your website 's link building architecture, both internally and externally, will lay the framework to get visitors exploring the rooms of your website while your competitors wonder where all the visitors have gone.

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