Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Get a Wife"s Love Back

Many men desperately wish they knew how to get a wife's love back.
They have apparently tried every technique recommended by people who normally give them advice, but they seem to never be able to win back their wife's love and affection.
What baffles them all the more is that the same woman loved them ever so dearly just a couple of years back.
They just can't pinpoint the time or the event that made their wife lose interest in their marriage relationship.
Now nothing they do seems to work towards drawing their wife closer to them.
What most men fail to understand is that women generally are quite easy to please, as long as you understand their psychological makeup.
A man may buy her everything she needs.
He may even look after the family extremely well.
But there is something that every woman needs apart from all these things, and that is love.
It is so simple, and yet men miss it big time.
Just like a car needs fuel, a woman needs love to function normally.
No other "thing" can replace love.
A man can get her the most expensive jewelry or clothing, but if he cannot give her love, she will never be satisfied.
Some men complain that their wife is just not lovable.
They reason that if she were just a little more kind, responsive or caring, they could love their wife.
But they fail to understand that just as a car needs fuel before it can run, a woman needs love before she can become endearingly lovable.
No man in his right mind will say that he would fill gas if only his car would start running on an empty tank.
He knows that he needs to fill gas and only then his car would start to run.
But when it comes to his wife, he wants to reap before he can sow! Men also need to understand that women act as incubators.
They can receive a physical seed from the male and give back a fully developed baby.
Likewise, they can take in love as a seed and give back love, joy, peace and a loving home that the man can return to day after day.
But an incubator can only incubate and bring to maturity something that you keep inside it.
If what a male sows into the marriage relationship is not something that is truly desirable, then it will multiply, grow and blow up in his face someday very soon.
On the other hand, if a man sows love, affection, intimacy and closeness into the relationship, he can be sure that it will come back multiplied several fold, beyond his wildest expectations.
Just like a seed sown into the ground will produce a rich harvest, love sown in a woman's heart will surely produce an abundant return.

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