The Best Foods for Knowledge
- Proteins break down to amino acids, which the body can use to create neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical signals the brain uses to regulate mood and learn information, leading to knowledge. The best foods in terms of protein are tofu, beans-such as kidney, garbanzo, or black beans- and lentils. Each of these foods are very high in protein, but do not contain any negative components like trans fat or inflammation-causing Omega 6 fatty acids.
- Lipids include fats, and fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. These include the important compounds Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential to brain function but the body can not make itself. Since two thirds of the brain is fat, a brain-healthy diet must be high in body healthy fat in order to maintain concentration and promote knowledge. Soy beans, for example, contain phosphatidyl serine which improves cognitive functioning in both memory and concentration. Flax Seeds, Walnuts, and Olive Oil all contain Omega-3 fatty acids which decrease inflammation and make the brain work better. To maximize the effectiveness of any oil, make sure to buy "cold pressed," heating an oil can destroy its nutrients. Omega-6 fatty acids are also important, but some can cause inflation which makes the brain slower. Healthy Omega-6s, like sunflower oil, spirulina, and safflower oil, provide brain nutrition without counteracting Omega-3s.
- Carbohydrates provide a brain with energy, increasing its capacity to learn, remember and gain knowledge. However, simple carbohydrates do not produce as much positive effect as complex ones. According to the Franklin Institute, eating simple sugars such as soft drinks or juice can actually drop healthy levels of carbohydrates in the brain! Brain cells burn through two times more energy than any other body cells, so healthy amounts of carbs will keep the brain functioning at its top capacity. The best carbohydrate foods are those that are low on the glycemic index, meaning they are processed slowly to ensure the brain has a steady supply. Good examples are potatoes, cherries, barely, and dried peas. Be wary of any processed food, it probably has added sugar which will spike the brain's supply and then let it crash.
- Many spices and supplements have recently shown promise with boosting knowledge and concentration. Ginkgo Biloba, for instance, works by increasing blood flow to the brain, and studies have suggested may slow the progression of dementia. Vitamin E supplements, which could also be obtained through diets rich in , helps protect red blood cells, which in turn deliver oxygen to the brain to help it function. Finally, try eating more nutmeg. This little spice boosts mood, and people in better moods are more able to learn and retain information. Also, it has been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease, so the knowledge lasts longer.