Health & Medical Immune System Disorders

Keep Hydrated If You Have a Thyroid Problem

Are you drinking enough water every day? Most people do not.
If you are healthy you need a lot of water but if you have problems with your thyroid gland you need it even more.
Water plays many important functions in the body and can help ease the symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
It is important to understand that there is no substitution for water.
 Drinking juice or soft drinks is not the same.
The are all liquids but that is all they have in common.
In fact, if you drink soft drinks, you should consume an extra glass of water for every can of soft drink just to counter its effects.
There has been a long standing debate as to the best type of water to drink.
Some advocate distilled water while others say no.
 Some advocate bottled water while others say no to that.
Some companies who sell bottled water simply bottle water straight from the tap and they will soon be required to disclose that on the bottle label.
On other products, the purification practices have been clearly labelled.
Probably the best solution is for you to filter your own water at home by using an under the sink filter, a filter for your refrigerator, or a portable filter for each pitcher or glass you fill.
The water you drink should be clean pure water because your cells will bathe in it and you don't want to harm yourself with impurities especially if you are drinking eight glasses each day.
The exact formula for the recommended amount of water for you to drink each day is half of your weight in ounces.
For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces of water each day.
This formula was devised by Dr.
Batmanghelidj who healed many people of all kinds of illnesses by increasing their water intake.
 So, what will drinking all of this water do for you? It will plump and moisturize your skin, combat constipation, give you more energy, help to regulate your body temperature, help clear brain fog and help you lose weight.
Do those benefits sound familiar? They should because each of them is a cure for a symptom of thyroid disease.
Batmanghelidj coined the term Unintentional Chronic Dehydration (UCD) to describe the condition of many people today who do not drink enough water and as a result their body begins to show symptoms of chronic disease.
Luckily, according to Dr.
Batmanghelidj many of these diseases can be reversed by simply drinking enough water every day without fail.
Even if the disease is not reversed, the symptoms become much more manageable thanks to the simple act of getting enough water each day.
To help you keep track of the amount of water you drink each day, fill a pitcher with the amount you should drink so you can see it decrease with each glass.
If you are away from home you can keep track by using a simple bead counter where you move a bead to the other side with every eight ounces you drink.
It may seem like a lot of work, but that is how important getting enough water really is.
You owe it to yourself and your health to increase your water intake each day.
Keep in mind that there is a limit to what is healthy.
If you drink too much too fast it can actually harm your body.
So don't drink an entire day's allotment at once.
Spread it out over the course of your day.
If you forget, don't try to double up later.
If you are like most people, the reason you don't drink a lot of water is because it just doesn't taste all that great.
It will take some getting used to but you can do it if you remove all other liquids from your diet.
Do not drink soft drinks any longer, they are bad for your thyroid anyway.
Every time you are thirsty, reach for water instead of your usual beverage.
If you keep your water in the refrigerator so it is nice and cold it seems to taste a little better.
However, it has been proved that water drank at room temperature is more easily absorbed by the tissues and cells in the body and will be better for you - so do this if you can! It won't be easy for the first couple of days, especially if you are hooked on tea or colas.
Eventually you get used to drinking water and it won't seem so bad at all and your thyroid will thank you for making the switch.

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