Travel & Places Skiing

Discover Making Snowboarding Experience Wonderful

You can discover a whole new fun filled snow boarding experience by choosing right board and shoes for you.
Get into the snow board magazines and brochures to filter out best board and take a demo to shop the best one finally.
In order to buy good shoes ask friends, ask different instructors about the best snowboarding shoes and it is very important to choose a well reputable shop.
Boots should fit your feet properly so bring the socks along with you which you wear while snow boarding.
Choose soft boots if you are beginner otherwise stiff boots.
Now you have completed the first input to your best fun experience.
It is strictly warned to not wear cotton base dress as it absorbs moisture and ends up cold and wet so it's better to look for polyester or polypropylene materials.
Choose nice fleece jacket on the base clothes to avoid shivering.
Wear long under wear pants but that must be made of waterproof material.
A secret to a nice snow boarding experience is to take warm gloves, goggles, a hat and a helmet with you on the ride.
Three top tricks to enjoy snowboarding to the fullest are presented.
Perform an Ollie trick by shifting your weight to your back foot and lifting the nose of snow board to perform a gentle jump.
Also Perform 180 degree twist called air to fakie.
To do this twist your hips and shoulders and crouch down then jump and turn 180 degrees while keeping weight on back foot.
Enjoy wheelie on the slope with your board's nose a little up in air.
You can do this by crouching and leaning back a little.
Then shift your weight on back foot and lift up front foot.
Keep this position for few seconds.
Many more tricks can be discovered using these three basic tips.
There are some mistakes that can lead you to injuries while snowboarding.
Don't stand when you are fastening both feet onto board, you will definitely soar down to hill while doing that.
If you are falling never ever try to stop your self with hands there are special tricks to follow while falling.
Moreover, please don't try snow boarding if you are above 40 and has no earlier experience of it.
Stay SAFE! Some fears which normally come to the beginners include fear of dying, the fear of loss of limbs, the fear of failure, and so forth.
Just relax and think that these fears are just because of your misguided thoughts.
Think healthy and trust your instructor.
Try some meditation by sitting quietly for few minutes.
Keep checking your snow boarding accessories.
Warning signs can be dangerous if not checked properly.
Check your board regularly and if your speed on board is getting lower wax it.
Replace your shoes if you are not feeling comfortable with them anymore.
Goggles should not be blurry.
Top exercises which prepare you for snowboarding include aerobic exercises, cycling and stair climbing.
Try squats and lunges exercise for legs and arms.
Pushups help building your stamina which will really pay you off at the riding experience moreover try jogging and running to build stamina.
By following all these instructions you can feel yourself the King of Ices Mountains and the champ of snowboarding game.
Good luck, cheers!

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