Home & Garden Furniture

Shopping for Knobs and Pulls

Selecting new knobs and pulls is a fun task that takes many different considerations.
First it is important to understand the differences between the different types of knobs and pulls.
Knobs are just small, round balls that attach to the drawer or cabinet.
Pulls can include either knobs or handles, which are longer and thinner.
Both knobs and pulls perform the same function, which is to open cabinets and drawers.
The most common places knobs and pulls are needed include the kitchen, bathroom, and some closets with drawers and cabinets in them.
Selecting the right kind of hardware for your space is certainly an important job that requires answering many questions, but at the end of the process, you will have cabinets and drawers that look completely different than they did before.
Style One of the first things to consider when thinking about knobs and pulls is the type of style you want to invoke.
The hardware should certainly match the cabinets and drawers, but it should also be very functional.
Some pieces are more difficult to grab onto than others, so it is important to try various kinds of knobs and handles out before making a decision on which one you like the best.
Color is also an important part of the style, and there are many different colors available.
Metal hardware typically comes in either silver or yellow, depending on the kind of metal that is selected.
However, glass and plastic pulls and knobs can be very colorful.
Material We have already talked about the different kinds of materials that are available for knobs and pulls, but it is important to realize that there are advantages and disadvantages to the different materials.
Metal is certainly the most popular material right now because it lasts forever, but glass is becoming more popular because of the wide selection of colors that are available.
Some of the very high quality glass hardware products are able to stand up to quite a bit of abuse, although chipping is still a real problem with some glass pieces.
Just remember that metal is the most durable, with glass as a close second.
Plastic tends to break very easily, so it is best to steer clear of cheap plastic pulls.
Size of the Cabinets and Drawers Another important thing to take into consideration is the sizes of the cabinets and drawers.
Just as every kitchen has different sizes of doors and drawer faces that need knobs and pulls, so there are plenty of different sizes of pulls available.
Start by thinking about the size of the face of each item that needs hardware.
In the cases of handles or flat pulls, it may be possible to use the same piece for everything in the room.
However, sometimes it may be necessary to choose a line of hardware that offers more than one size.
This will ensure that you can size each of the hardware pieces appropriately.
Remember that a very small drawer with a huge knob will look rather strange, so you may need the smallest size for a smaller drawer.
Just use your judgment of what looks good when selecting the best pulls.
Another part of size is the weight of the drawers and cabinet drawers.
Hardware is made for different weights, and occasionally you might find a piece that will not work with very heavy cabinet doors or drawers that are hard to pull out.
Sometimes it is possible to purchase a higher quality screw than the ones that come with the hardware.
This will help prevent the screw from being stripped.

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