Health & Medical Autism

Autism Traits and Symptoms

Autism certainly has turned some heads in the media over the past few years.
It went from an ailment that not too many folks possessed, to one that effects one in every boys.
That is huge number of children that have now been given an autistic diagnosis.
What is autism and how would you know if your child has it? Autism is a social disorder primarily, is it not as easily detected as other forms of special needs can be in some children.
Autistic children can generally live very full and productive lives with the correct therapies in place.
Detection is key and the earlier the better as many parents are learning the sooner they seek treatment for their autistic child, the increased chances they have of being mainstreamed into school settings and into the world in general.
Autism is a broad spectrum that comes in many forms, some children do not speak one work that have it while others talk up a storm.
Each case is different depending on the child and what they are willing to out effort in and what they enjoy basically.
Some autistic children have very peculiar behaviors that are to distract from other stimulations in the room.
For example, and autistic child may choose to make noises, spin around or fidget with an object for hours in an place they do not understand or feel comfortable in.
A supermarket for instance can be a war zone for a severely autistic child as a person without the ailment will walk into a store an thing nothing of it.
An autistic one will see all the lights, the colors, the signs, the noises the items in the room and it will become so overwhelming that the fear of not being familiar in the busy environment will result in those people displaying autistic symptoms.
Some children cannot even be taken into a public store, they have fits that mimic a temper tantrum of sorts but it is not to be disciplined as one as this is nothing more than a child fearful of their surroundings.
Some things to look for when questioning if your child may possibly have autism, are that the child looks disconnected often, they do not make eye contact often, they do not engage in play with their peers as they would prefer to play alone instead.
They often do not speak as much or at all, they may have poor sleeping schedules or even be very picky eaters.
Some children have symptoms that cause inflictions on themselves such as banging their heads out of frustration or breaking items and even being violent to their own siblings.
Some may just prefer to be alone all day and simply not want any contact with their peers or family members.
These may appear to all be very frightening symptoms and they can be if not treat properly, so always have your child reviewed by your family physician if you have any concerns that they may possibly be one of the millions of autistic children living in the world today.

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