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Cedrick Harris Sponsors Reps at Will. You will too after reading this

Cedrick Harris is known as a true mlm leader. He is more than a marketer he is a well known speaker and success coach. What I'm about to reveal to you today is some of his method to constantly sponsor new reps into his business. It is the Monster closer prospecting method.

Before I dive into this training, Let me tell you a little about me. My name is Justin Hammonds and I'm known as "The Net Money Master" because many people say I got this whole Internet Network marketing thing down packed.

The reason I was able to grow, and develop into the leader I am is because I never passed up the opportunity to further my education. I constantly invested into training courses and other material. These secrets I'm about to share with you cost me money to learn, but you have the opportunity to learn for free.

Apply what you learn today to reach a new level of achievement you may not have thought was possible. With the introduction taken place let's begin right about now:

To make a ton of money with your internet network marketing business, you first have to understand your product. It's not the vitamins or juice of your company, but it is people. If you don't understand yet let me explain.

Money is simply a tool, a resource, a token if you wish that displays your ability to impact someone's life in some form or fashion. People pay thier phone bill because they want to talk. Your only job is to give your prospects what they want. Then you won't have to sell they will buy. So what do they want? Well each person is different so I have for you the four basic personality types you need to learn to sponsor a large number of people into your internet network marketing business.

1. Reds - Cedrick Harris calls them "Fire":

These are the power suit, power tie, CEO type of people. They want recognition, they are firery, they can sell salt to a slug and probably would if you give them high enough commision lol. These are your leaders in thier own right. They have the strongest of personalities and can be the most difficult to deal with.

An example would be, "If you are good enough you can have access to the 6 tier earners in our company. You can only be invited in, and I don't know if you got what it takes." Reds - or fire like recognition, so if you can paint the picture of them walking across stage accepting an award then you will attract these people.

2. Blues - or as Cedrick says "Wind":

Blues are the most common people drawn to mlm so you will see a lot of them in your marketing efforts. These people love the idea of being free. They want to be there own boss because they hate having a boss. They hate rules, and they just want to have fun. These people are very forgetful, not focused, and are quick to jump ship. They usually fall for the grass is greener thing so they have been in about 10 different mlm companies.

So how do you sponsor them and keep them over time? First you just gotta show them the big picture. Explain how your marketing system will allow them to generate leads while they are on the beach. Tell them about how much fun you had at your company convention, and show them pictures. If you don't have any, show them fun pictures from your life. Once you sponsor a blue you gotta give the guidance. You have to show them the way so they won't get lost and eventually quit. Limit thier choices at the beginning so they won't get distracted and quit.

3. Yellows - Also known as "Water" in Cedrick Harris's Teachings:

Yellows are your givers. They never make a decision based on themselves. This is the second biggest group and they are the most coach-able. When attempting to sponsor these people into your Internet network marketing business, you should listen to who they say is important to them, and use that person as an example over and over again. Maybe you could say, "Your son will adore the idea of you being at all of his football games."

You must also show these people that they are making a difference in someone's life. The typically don't do well with top tier programs because most of them would feel bad, if that person spent a lot of money and didn't succeed. They would feel it was their fault and may want to quit. You have to encourage culture and environment with this group of people. They like teamwork.

4. Finally Ice as Cedrick says, I call them Greens:

Greens are your math people. They crunch every number, They weigh every decision, and they take the longest to sponsor into your business. They are more concerned with practical solutions then big dreams, and fancy presentations.

The good news is it is not that hard to impress these type of people. You could have an all text but only web-page and a green will love it if it is informational and informative. To sponsor greens you have to take your time. Give them follow data and allow them to look over everything and read more. Let them research and give them more proof when they ask.

Greens will become your best business partners for life, because they thought that choice to death. They are the most loyal and follow intructions to a T. These people will be some of your best business builders long term.

These are four simple prospecting tips I learned from Cedrick Harris. If you want to more cool stuff, and other top earner secrets then visit my link below for more free information.

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