Business & Finance Home Based Business

The Berry Tree Needs Attraction Marketing

As the network marketing industry continues to grow and establish itself as a legitimate business opportunity for many people around the world, the one area of concern that mlm distributors continue that face is the training they are receiving. The majority of mlm companies still rely on of date and totally useless tactics that have no place in today's marketplace.

An example of this is buying opportunity seekers leads and cold calling complete strangers. My previous company, the Berry Tree promoted this method heavily along with other tactics. The thing that you must be aware of when it comes to buying leads is, that they are too generic. By this I mean that they don't specifically target the audience that you're trying to going after, which are other network marketers. Also they are sold over and over again. This is another concern network marketers face.

The Berry Tree is a fantastic company. However, in my opinion, they lack the training necessary to help the average distributor make some real money in this industry. And that is why I personally decided to seek out side training that could help me learn real online direct response marketing strategies. 

Effective marketing is the key in any industry and network marketing is no exception. If network marketers are going to put the odds of success in their favour, they need to learn marketing, whether it's online or off. Unfortunately, the majority of companies don't teach basic marketing. Buying opportunity seeker leads, contacting family and friends or using permission emails won't cut it in today's marketplace. 

If you are a Berry Tree member or any other distributor, I have the solution that will help you market more effectively. This type of marketing isn't new. In, fact, it has been around for decades. However, for the average distributor, this will be a new way to prospect.

It's brilliant marketing strategy that's based around a phenomenal marketing concept called direct response marketing and uses the principle law of attraction. It's been coined attraction marketingand I believe that it will eventually take over that industry as the foremost way to prospect.  

Here are a few key points you'll learn using attraction marketing.

-  You will discover who your real target audience is.. Not Everyone Is A Prospect

- Learn how to build a loyal following of distributors and customers

- Learn how to branding you..…Not your company.

- Offer helpful free information to attract targeted prospects to you.

- How to put money in your pocket whether distributors join your program or not

- Learn article marketing and social media marketing to help generate traffic.

As a former Berry Tree member who was taught to contact friends and buying opportunity seeker leads to build a business, I can tell you that in order for distributors to get ahead in today's marketplace, they must study attraction marketing. It's the only way to move forward in their business.

Why bother with out of date old school methods like make a list of a hundred names, the three foot rule or buy opportunity seeker leads. Distributor need to get out side training like what I had to do if they want to have any chance of success.

 Thanks to the internet, the industry is changing the way network marketers prospect.  Therefore, the ones who recognize this change and want to capitalize on it will reap the rewards of attraction marketing.  And the ones who will ignore it, won't benefit. It's that simple.  

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