Home & Garden Home Improvement

What to Know About Exterior Vinyl Siding

In the late 1950s a product known today as Vinyl siding was introduced.
An independently owned manufacturing plant in Columbus, Ohio introduced it.
Its been making waves ever since.
In the United States and Canada, it is the number one exterior facing for a house.
In the UK and New Zealand there is a similar material called uPVC weatherboarding.
When it was being made in the 1950s there were many formulations of the product.
Manual blending of the colors was being done vat by vat, making it difficult for large orders to be identical.
The colors would fade, and installation of a reliable product was difficult if not impossible.
Today, it is the number one siding in both the United States and Canada.
There have been changes in the production, impact resistance, range of colors available, and the possibility of fading due to exposure to UV light has been diminished.
The vinyl siding of today is manufactured in two layers of PVC in a continuous process.
The bottom layer is known as substrate and the top layer is called weatherable capstock.
Weatherable Capstock is where the color and break down and resistance to UV are located.
It will still fade over time, but at a much slower rate than its precursor.
There is a higher rate of fading in the colors like Barn Red, while neutral colors have a much slower rate.
Take care when choosing your color as it will change somewhat over the years and you want to enjoy it.
Ask about the UV coating that is used.
The UV coating that manufactures apply to the siding can impact the life expectancy of the product.
If the UV coating is not applied the light from the sum will degrade the siding faster.
The bottom layer, substrate, contains Limestone, which reduces the cost of vinyl siding and helps balance the top layer.
In the substrate there is also a small amount of tin mercaptan which also acts as a stabilizer to bind any hydrochloric acid that is released from the natural process of the siding aging.
It is extremely environmentally safe and recyclable.
New vinyl, such as factory scraps and job site cutoffs, can be recycled minimizing the amount that goes to the scrap heap.
There are several thicknesses available on the market.
The thickness of the siding can vary from.
35 mil to.
52 mil.
The most common siding used today is known as builders grade and is.
40 mils thick.
Thicker vinyl siding is usually higher in cost and but more rigid which can add to the beauty once it is installed.
It is also more resistant to cracking in very cold weather when bumped by another object.
Vinyl siding boosts the R value of a home while saving money spent on utilities for heating and cooling.
It also saves the owner the expense of regular maintenance.
Other than a good cleaning once or twice a year, it saves the home owner hours of time.

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