Family & Relationships Conflict

Is Your Girl Missing? How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

Have you ever talked intimately with a friend whose best plan to win his ex girlfriend back was to show up at her job with flowers and promising to love her forever? At that time you really felt bad for him.
And at this very moment you find yourself in the very same situation.
You fully understand precisely how he felt at that time.
However even though you are able to understand how he must have felt, you don't want to go about getting you ex girl back in the manner he did.
If you want to get her back, but you don't want to lose all you self-respect, self-esteem and dignity,let me suggest actions you can take..
Understand how women think and what they believe.
Women are very emotional beings.
You must appeal to their emotions.
Learn how to show her love, learn how to show her that you care.
Women love to communicate.
Communicate with her, talk to her openly and honestly.
Share, share share.
Ask her about her day and how she felt about the events that took place.
Talk to her about how you feel about the relationship.
Where do you think it's going and why.
She will love you for this.
Be a good listener.
She doesn't necessarily want you to solve her problems, but she wants you to LISTEN to her.
She wants you to know and appreciate how she feels, she wants you to understand her feelings..
She wants love letters, she wants flowers, and above all she wants your attention.
Women believe, if you listen to them, if you are attentive to them and if you are supportive of them that you love them.
Acknowledge Your Mistakes If you have made mistakes in the past, admit to them.
Let her know that you recognize your mistakes and that you are remorseful.
Let her know that you will not behave that way in the future.
If you have changed from the way you were in the beginning of the relationship, get back to being the way you were before you started taking her for granted.
In the beginning of the relationship, how many times did you call her in a day? How many times in a week did you visit her? Are you still trying to look your best? Do you take her out to eat or do you expect her to cook for you all the time? If you are making these mistakes, acknowledge them and correct them.
If you feel that she has made mistakes in the past talk openly and honestly with her about them.
Do not point fingers, do name calling or whine and cry, just talk honestly and let her know how these things made you feel.
She will love that.
She will love to know that you have FEELINGS too.
Acknowledge her mistakes but let her know that you love her and that you forgive her.
This will really help you to get your ex girlfriend back.
Find out the things she loves and loves to do Do you know what her hobbies are? If not find out.
Show interest in her hobbies and join her in some of the events of her hobbies.
Invite her to some of the events of your hobbies or activities.
This will let her know that you are interested in many facets of her life and that you invite her to share openly in all areas of your life.
This "openness" and sharing will endear you to her, she will not feel cut-off from your life.
You have to find enjoyable things to do together outside of the bed.
After all you can only spend so much time in bed.
Do you want the only time you spend together to be in bed? She will really HATE that.
If that is what the relationship has become, then let her know that you intend to change that aspect of it and you will get your ex-girlfriend back.

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