Left Brain Learners: Characteristics and Advice
While there are differences in opinion when it comes to brain hemisphere dominance, one thing seems clear: there are some students who are more comfortable with logic and reasoning than they are with creativity and intuition. These preferences are characteristic of people who are sometimes called left brain dominant.
Are you very organized? Do you believe that there is a right way and a wrong way to do everything?
Do you enjoy math homework more than English homework? If so, you may be left-brain dominant.
Characteristics of Left Brain Dominant Students
- You probably work with a daily task list
- You like to be the critic in class
- You feel you're naturally good at math or science
- You are rational and logical
- Your research is precise and well-documented
- You set goals for yourself
- You can interpret information well
- Your room is tidy
- You can answer questions spontaneously
- You follow directions and you do read directions (unlike some people)
- You aren't touchy-feely
- You can listen to a long lecture without losing patience
- You don’t let feelings get in your way
- You like action movies
- You read sitting up
- Your words are precise
- In history class, you are able to remember dates and processes.
- In math class, you enjoy going through a long calculation.
- You like the order of science.
- In English class, you have a good understanding of grammar and sentence structure.
- Study in a quiet room to avoid distraction
- You can do math but get impatient trying to explain it to someone who struggles—so don’t volunteer to be a tutor unless you know you have the patience
- You like to take the lead in a study group, so go ahead and volunteer
- Join a debate team or academic competition
- Try to excel at the science fair; you can be a winner
- Take advantage of your skills in math and science
- Choose non-fiction reading
- You prefer factual questions and assignments, as opposed to open-ended questions
- You can organize your notes well, so you should
- Keep your room organized
- Don’t argue with the teacher too much
- Choose to do analytical essays
- Work alone when you have a choice; you get frustrated with others who “clown around”
- Avoid “free thinking” teachers if they confuse you
- Take more risks; don’t be afraid to be creative
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