Health & Medical Acne

Acne - Home & Professional Treatment For Acne

Acne is caused by a lot of things.
Genetics play a role in the formation of acne.
Hormones also play a role.
Androgens, the male hormones secreted by both sexes in different amounts play a role in most cases.
Hormone-sensitive sebaceous glands that produce sebum are stimulated by androgens.
Sebum is most commonly known as the root cause of acne breakouts.
Sebum production depends on a number of variables.
Severe acne can be inherited.
It could be stress related.
People should be aware of how acne begins.
With this, treatment and prevention of acne can be more understood.
Promotion of healthy skin is important not only physically, but to make sure that self-esteem can't be affected.
Home and Self-Help Remedies For most people who can't afford professional treatment, home treatments for acne may help.
For those with acne-prone skin, a few cheap over-the-counter products and home skin care may just do the trick to keep skin clear and smooth.
One can wash their face with a product that has a salicylic acid ingredient on the label.
These products will help control acne.
A person who wants to keep a smooth complexion should wash their faces regularly with a salicylic acid cleanser.
Another tip for home skin care is to avoid scrubbing.
Most people scrub their face off acne because they believe that acne is dirt.
The truth is: acne is not dirt.
Scrubbing will only worsen the situation.
It may cause inflammation and irritate the area that is already sensitive.
Pricking acne should also be avoided.
This can cause the acne to have a longer recovery period.
Using a mild soap for one's face is a good start.
One should wash their faces gently with a specially formulated skin cleanser for acne-prone skin.
A pharmacist may help in selecting the best mild soap that is just right for someone who wants to prevent acne from sprouting.
Benzoyl peroxide helps reduce bacteria.
This ingredient will also help dry up the skin, treating acne eventually.
If an individual's skin is dry because of benzoyl peroxide, a moisturizer with a non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic label can be used.
Non -comedogenic products are formulated specifically for skin that is prone to acne breakouts.
Seeking Out the Professionals If a person however, doesn't respond to home skin care and over-the-counter medications after some months, it is better to seek a dermatologist's help before the condition gets worse.
Dermatologists usually have many combined prescription medications and recommended procedures.
Some medications that are commonly prescribed by dermatologists are retinoic acids, topical antibacterial or antibiotics, oral antibiotics and isotretinoin.
Some recommend patients to have a surgical procedure to remove their problematic acne.
And believe it or not, a particular birth control pill is even approved for prescription as acne medication for women.
This is due to the observation that women noticed a significant improvement in acne reduction when they started taking oral contraceptives.
No matter what treatment a dermatologist suggests, it is always very important that the patient understands what they will go through.
If they are not comfortable about having the dermatologist extract acne through surgery, the patient may opt to have other medication instead.
It all depends on the person.

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