Travel & Places Hunting/Shooting

How Long to Hang Deer


    • Hanging a deer serves two purposes. Most importantly, it improves the quality of the meat and ease of butchering by draining excess blood out of the deer and onto the ground. This goal can be accomplished in as little as a few hours. Hanging a deer for an extended period of time -- up to a week -- also ages the meat, which makes it more flavorful and tender, much like premium cuts of beef.


    • Many new hunters are reluctant to hang a deer for longer than a day, because they are concerned that the meat will decompose. This attitude is a result of the mistaken belief that aging meat refers to allowing it to partially rot. Of course, a deer that is left to hang for too long or in too warm of an environment will certainly go bad, but aging meat is actually a process caused by enzymes in the meat, rather than bacterial growth.


    • Once a deer has been killed, rigor mortis (stiffening of the muscles) quickly sets in, and lasts for up to 24 hours. Once rigor mortis ends, enzymes naturally contained within the meat begin to break down collagen -- a tough substance that binds muscle cells together. As the collagen breaks down, the meat becomes more tender. Older deer have more collagen in their muscles, and should be aged for a longer period of time than young deer.


    • The ideal temperature range for a hanging deer is between 32 and 38 degrees F. If the temperature drops below freezing for an extended period of time, the deer will freeze, which will prevent proper aging and reduce the overall quality of the meat. If the temperature exceeds 40 degrees for more than a few hours, the meat may begin to spoil. Some hunters prefer to hang their deer in a walk-in refrigerator to better control temperatures and prevent contamination by wild animals.


    • If your deer was gut shot or you accidentally pierced the intestines while field-dressing it, the meat should not be aged because it will spoil rapidly. Instead, clean out the abdomen thoroughly with water and hang the deer just long enough to allow the blood to drain. Afterward, take the deer to a processing plant and tell the processor what happened. Although you may wind up with less meat, areas that are far from the site of contamination can still be saved.

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