Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Is it Safe to Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Lighten Skin?

Have you heard of using hydrogen peroxide to lighten skin? I personally think this method is a little bit verging on the extreme but many people who are desperate for a solution to dark skin areas in the body are willing to test this out.
Hydrogen peroxide is a disinfectant and used in abrasions and open cuts as a way to clean it out.
However, if it is ingested or used in high percentage, it can lead to toxicity which is why it has to be administered in correct proportions only.
As a way to lighten skin, this has not been proven effective yet although there are some rumours circulating that it does help lighten dark elbows and knees.
According to reliable sources, it works in drying the superficial layer of the skin so when you scrub your dermis, it allows better skin tissue renewal.
This is why people also use this to treat age spots.
However, self-medicating with the use of this quite tricky method is not feasible.
You should always consider the safety of your skin and the long-term effects of the treatments you are using.
Instead of going for methods that are not tried and tested, why not go for natural lightening creams instead? You would not believe how much the lightening cream industry has progressed today.
Most of the products rely on natural ingredients such as Extrapone Nutgrass, Manuka honey and Phytessence Wakame.
The efficacy of Extrapone Nutgrass has been discovered not for skin lightening but for medicinal purposes.
Its efficacy in lightening the skin was just discovered by accident.
But when studies were conducted to test it, it has shown muscle in inhibiting melanin production significantly in less than two weeks.
Manuka honey, on the other hand is naturally effective in lessening the appearance of spots and scars.
In addition to that, it is also one of the tried and tested methods in lightening the dermis.
Phytessence Wakame, on the other hand, is what supports the functions of the skin.
This is a very effective natural ingredient in warding off harmful enzymes in the body thereby preserving natural hyaluronic acid content that strengthens collagen proteins.
This sea kelp is also used by Japanese people as a facial mask.
You do not need to use hydrogen peroxide to lighten skin.
Just make sure you consider using natural lightening ingredients to help your skin achieve a lighter shade.

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