Health & Medical Yoga

The Energetic And Spiritual Times Have Changed

Journeying along the path of heart and self discovery is the only thing that is worth its salt.
This journey is not what you think it is though.
You may well think that you are already travelling this path of discovering the heart but unless you are moving in the immediacy of this "you" of you that is already flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, then you are not involved on this journey at all.
You will still be involved with trying to be who you think you are and that motion is one which bars the door to your already and immediate realization of "you".
You will be on the gradual path of notyou-ness, saying "no" to the divine one from flowing through with the consciousness of itself.
Many say that not everyone is ready to be the immediacy of this one that is flowing through your eyes right now.
The funny thing is, though, that all that say this are those who are not realizing and being who "you" are - these ones being very much involved in their refusal to leave alone who they think they are.
If you are adamant in the not letting go of who you think you are you are never going to stabilise in the realizing of this "you" of you that is already true of you.
Another thing not seen by these ones is that the energetic and spiritual times have changed - humanity is no longer bound to its past spiritual history.
The pain and suffering that was humanity's lot is no more.
Humanity is now free to walk in the freedom of the heart and self that it is - if it so wishes.
There is no one on this planet that is bound to the old ways of basically not being able to free up from what was never true of them - anymore.
There is no one on this planet that cannot relatively quickly come to the clarity and stabilisation of consciously being this divine one that is already true of you, if you are so desirous - no one.
Those days of not being able to stand free are simply and truly over.
The clause, of course, is if you so wish to.
Everything is in place on this planet, for anyone who truly wishes to be completely free of what till now has always been an imprisonment, bondage and blockage to the seeing and being of this "you" of you that is currently flowing through your eyes right now.
This "you" of you is the divine one itself.
Your familiarity of being stuck; in misery and pain; trying to make yourself as comfortable as possible from within an uncomfortable position; is the only adversity that you truly have to contend with.
This familiarity will have you returning again and again to this unconscious inattention of attempting to be something that is not true of who "you" are - this mindbody that this "you" is simply flowing through.
You however, have the energy and attention - if you so wish - to actually find this "you" of you that is flowing through your eyes and to stop right here as this one.
This you now can do, if you so wish - it is entirely up to you and what you are willing to do to make this work for you.
"You" are not who you think you are; "you" are not the mindbody that you are flowing through; "you" are not the mind that informs this mindbody with its rather dubious guidance.
This "you" of you is already freely standing from all of this arising stuff and it is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through.
Now, you may well need to spend a good deal of time in the company of one who is already living this clarity of this "you" of you to get you off of the ground of being stuck in the energetic vibration of the automaticity of trying to be this something that is not you.

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