Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Is Mitsubishi a Good Stock to Own? The Company is Aggressively Capitalizing on Climate Change

Are there any good Japanese stocks to own these days? Well, I've been looking into Mitsubishi, and I see a potential run-up here while the stock is still trading at historically low numbers.
Let me explain this potential long-term stock play and why I like it; first, and Kyoto move aside, Mitsubishi is indeed, capitalizing on Global Warming.
But this time, Japanese firms have the synergy to really expand due to the alternative energy push and green motif.
Previously, many felt that the Kyoto Treaty was nothing more than a way for the Japanese to steal the US Industrial Manufacturing Capacity and then make money on what's left.
How so you ask? Well, if the US Companies are bogged down with environmental regulations they will not be able to compete with the Japanese companies.
Now, with the entire modern world harping on the Global Warming theme, Europe, Japan and others hope to cash in on climate change regulations that span the globe.
Meaning, the US, India and China will have increased costs of production and it will help them compete in global markets.
And realize that Japan is big-time into clean-coal, and Mitsubishi is big time into Ion-lithium technologies, and have worked to corner lithium mining resources, by making a big move in Bolivia, which has half the known lithium deposits.
Mitsubishi is also building a premier low-emissions clean coal plant in Australia, and this multi-national conglomerate that is capitalizing on the Global Politics of the Global Warming myth.
If we follow their investments and understand where this is all going this appears to be a very good stock for the long-term.
Please consider this.

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