How to get started selling real estate if you are a new Realtor
If you are a new real estate agent, it can be very tough to figure out how to get started. Many new agents take classes from their brokerage that teaches them what to do, but it can still be confusing to figure out the right direction to get started. Let's talk about the best techniques some of the clients of my real estate consulting business have used.
The fastest and easiest way to get new clients is to work with people that already know you. In a way this is easier than you think, but in a way it is also harder than you think. This is often referred to as your sphere of influence. You should be able to come up with a list of 50 to 100 people that you know in one way or another. Friends, family, people you have worked with, etc… Before you start calling any of these people and annoying the hell out of them, you need to prepare. You don't want to be the new real estate agent that doesn't know what they are talking about that just bothers everyone you know. I have known agents that got this reputation, and that is not what you want to do. So let's talk about how to get prepared so you come across as professional, and actually get some clients from this.
Having a good call script is important. When calling people from your list, the first instinct is to usually make small talk, and then somewhere later in the conversation work in the fact that you sell real estate now. I am extremely against this approach. I feel that it cheapens the whole conversation, and once you start talking business, they feel like that is the only reason you were calling. And truthfully in most cases that is the only reason you were calling. I prefer an approach similar to this:
"Hello Bobby, this is "Your Name". In case you haven't heard, I'm calling to really quickly let you know I am now in the real estate sales business. I'd appreciate if you could help me get the word out, I'm really passionate about this and things are going well! What is your take on our real estate market right now? (let them respond, and briefly respond back) I have a quick question for you. Out of everyone you know, who do you think would the next person that is most likely to think about buying or selling real estate for any reason? (let them respond) It would mean a lot to me if I could have your permission to contact them and see if I can be of any assistance. Would you feel comfortable helping me out by sharing their phone number with me?"
Of course you will want to use your own words to a certain extent, but notice how the questions are worded. Instead of asking if they know anyone that needs to sell right now, you broaden the scope of that question by asking if they know of anyone that might sell some day. You are almost certain to get some sort of lead from this question.
Now that you have the call script down, you need to make sure you are organized. A huge key to selling real estate is following up with potential clients. You can set up a simple spreadsheet on your computer to track your leads, and make notes each time you call them back. Or you can purchase one of the software programs designed for real estate agents. It just depends on what you are comfortable with. I work with an agent that still keeps track of all of his leads on 3x5 cards, and he averages 10 or more sales a month.
Remember to stay consistent contacting everyone on your list, and you will start getting more and more sales. As your business grows you will be able to quickly increase your marketing budget to bring in more new leads.
The fastest and easiest way to get new clients is to work with people that already know you. In a way this is easier than you think, but in a way it is also harder than you think. This is often referred to as your sphere of influence. You should be able to come up with a list of 50 to 100 people that you know in one way or another. Friends, family, people you have worked with, etc… Before you start calling any of these people and annoying the hell out of them, you need to prepare. You don't want to be the new real estate agent that doesn't know what they are talking about that just bothers everyone you know. I have known agents that got this reputation, and that is not what you want to do. So let's talk about how to get prepared so you come across as professional, and actually get some clients from this.
Having a good call script is important. When calling people from your list, the first instinct is to usually make small talk, and then somewhere later in the conversation work in the fact that you sell real estate now. I am extremely against this approach. I feel that it cheapens the whole conversation, and once you start talking business, they feel like that is the only reason you were calling. And truthfully in most cases that is the only reason you were calling. I prefer an approach similar to this:
"Hello Bobby, this is "Your Name". In case you haven't heard, I'm calling to really quickly let you know I am now in the real estate sales business. I'd appreciate if you could help me get the word out, I'm really passionate about this and things are going well! What is your take on our real estate market right now? (let them respond, and briefly respond back) I have a quick question for you. Out of everyone you know, who do you think would the next person that is most likely to think about buying or selling real estate for any reason? (let them respond) It would mean a lot to me if I could have your permission to contact them and see if I can be of any assistance. Would you feel comfortable helping me out by sharing their phone number with me?"
Of course you will want to use your own words to a certain extent, but notice how the questions are worded. Instead of asking if they know anyone that needs to sell right now, you broaden the scope of that question by asking if they know of anyone that might sell some day. You are almost certain to get some sort of lead from this question.
Now that you have the call script down, you need to make sure you are organized. A huge key to selling real estate is following up with potential clients. You can set up a simple spreadsheet on your computer to track your leads, and make notes each time you call them back. Or you can purchase one of the software programs designed for real estate agents. It just depends on what you are comfortable with. I work with an agent that still keeps track of all of his leads on 3x5 cards, and he averages 10 or more sales a month.
Remember to stay consistent contacting everyone on your list, and you will start getting more and more sales. As your business grows you will be able to quickly increase your marketing budget to bring in more new leads.