Society & Culture & Entertainment Performing Arts

What Everybody Ought to Know About Salsa

Salsa may look difficult but aren't all dances like that? If you give it a try, learn one or two basic steps and I know you'll get hooked, millions of people have and they seem happy about it.
During a game of "twenty questions", a friend asked "What is one thing you regret?" I thought for a moment and then knew the answer.
I said, "I wish I learned to dance sooner".
I waited far too long to get into dance and now I realize how much I was missing.
I believed them but I'd be more convinced if they said that they lost interest.
If I were to get fit, I'd probably look for an activity that I'd enjoy doing, like dancing! There are some gyms that offer dance lessons to get physically in shape, but why enroll in them if you could just have a dance video and dance at home, anytime you wished? More than getting fit, dance videos are designed for those who want to learn how to dance.
I give credit to people who are good at dancing.
To be good at any dance, people think that one should be born to dance, but I think otherwise.
Yes, there are people gifted of this talent, but that doesn't mean that if you weren't born a dancer than you can never be a good one.
I believe in the fruits of practice.
With its Latin roots Salsa popularity has reached every corner of the world.
It has been embraced by billions of people because of its sexy, stylish, intricate moves.
More than that, the creative possibilities of linking moves and spins creates a beautiful expression of style and grace.
Because of this, salsa dancing is appealing to dance enthusiasts from every generation.
In salsa dance, the movement of the body from the arms to the hips, down to the feet is very important.
But more than that, the emotion you put into your every move makes this dance more sensual.
It's a dance that would make you feel good afterward because finally, you can do the sexy moves you've always wanted to try.
Also, when you dance, your whole body moves, from your head, arms, and hips and feet, you instantly become a moving portrait.
Dance is not only an activity that most people enjoy, body movements together with music makes it an effective means of self-expression.
That's why people who dance are also considered artists.
If you do salsa dancing, you not only dance, you also stretch muscles for fitness and make your body a medium of self-expression, and an effective one at that.
These are only few of the benefits people get from dancing.
Add to the list meeting new people, being pro and competing, sharing your talent to the world while doing what you love.
Salsa is for the bold and expressive, the romantic and the brave.
But more than anything else, it is for those who have a heart for dance.

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